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海明威的许多主人翁喜欢斗牛。Many of Hemingway's heroes love bullfight.

海明威的许多主人翁喜欢斗牛。Many of Hemingway's heroses love bullfight.

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同学们,你们是爱尔兰未来发展的主人翁。Dear students, you master Ireland's future development.

主人翁杰夫.何金斯原是一个胆小、害羞的孩子。Jeff masters. Dr Hopkins was originally a timid, shy children.

我要使用的一些提供这些,在多器官功能障碍综合征,我要做的主人翁。I'm going to use some of thes in the mods I have to do as masters.

如众所周知,我们学生都是国家未来的主人翁。As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation.

虽然船在上面,水在下面,然而水仍是主人翁!——裴多菲。The boats in the above, the water below, but water is still a hero!

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同学们,你们也是中爱关系健康发展的主人翁。Dear students, you also master the future of China Ireland relations.

最终,到了1963年,我们这个故事的主人翁,哥伦比亚大学的阿伦·沃克尔·利德博士出现了,他揭示了OK一词的来源。Allen Walker Read of Columbia University appeared and uncovered the origin.

我喜欢里面的主人翁艾碧莲。她的坚强与执着感染了我。I appreciate its heroine, who greatly impresses me as being determined and persistent.

充分发挥居民主人翁作用,提高社区自治水平。Give full play to the people as masters, to raise the level of community self-government.

尊重人民群众的主人翁地位,维护其合法权益。People's status as masters of society must be respected and their legal rights protected.

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对团队的信任转而又会激发团队成员的主人翁精神并且会培育创新。Trusting the team will in turn invoke ownership on part of the team and foster innovation.

这些策略最酷的地方在于它让影迷们产生了一种电影的主人翁的意识。The cool thing about this strategy is that it lets fans have a sense of ownership of the film.

SWOT分析可以引导人们参与到战略制订的过程中,并以主人翁的姿态认真执行。SWOT involves people in the plan, helping them see the strategy and making them feel like part of it.

组织者认为,这些目的体现在“主人翁”和“伙伴关系”的概念中。According to organizers, these objectives are embodied in the concept of “ownership” and “partnership”.

携妻子分别接受电视采访,“庞氏骗局”主人翁再度吸引无数镁光灯。The Ponzi Scheme mastermind and his wife generate headlines after sitting down for separate TV interviews.

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本期节目的主人翁是二十世纪最伟大的绘画大师—温斯洛·荷马。Today we tell about Winslow Homer, considered to be the greatest American artist of the nineteenth century.

承康猜到事件的始作俑者,所以提议报警,逼主人翁主动摆平事件。ChengKang guessed the inventors of the event, so the proposed alarm, forced ownership actively handle events.

在这些重大的戏剧性的杰作里,主人翁都被刻画成值得怜悯的角色,而且值得同情多于值得指责。In these great theatrical masterpieces, the characters are treated with compassion and are more pitied than condemned.