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为何选择对射光束的传感器?。Why use a thru-beam sensor?

菲亚特Stilo装有停车传感器。Fiat Stilo with parking sensor”.

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用传感器检测粉尘量。Sensors monitor the dust levels.

光敏电阻是最基本的传感器。Photoresistors are the most basic.

那么让我们来学一个基本的传感器So lets learn about a basic sensor

让我们收集几个传感器。Let's collect a few sensor readouts.

将微传感器缝到头皮。Secure the Micro Sensor to the scalp.

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研究了基于场效应晶体管的DNA传感器。DNA sensor based on FET is researched.

一是关于改进新的传感器。One is about improving the new sensors.

拆卸绿色传感器从盒。Remove the green sensor from the airbox.

传感器为车前排的光电管。Sensor for the front car of the phototube.

我们生产世界上最好的热敏电阻传感器。We make the best thermistors in the world.

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兼容多种传感器和6轴功能。Compatible multi-sensor and 6-axis function.

光纤传感器在土木工程中的应用。Fiber optic sensors in the Waterbury Bridge.

因此无传感器的SRD也是未来的发展趋势之一。There was no sensor SRD is the future trend.

但对更小的传感器或道路除冰系统而言?But smaller sensors or road de-icing systems?

双敏传感器是一种新型的传感器。Dual sensitive sensor is a new type of sensor.

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近程传感器右击使用接触传感器。Proximity sensor. Right-click for touch sensor.

用位移传感器验证位移控制。Displacement control mode demonstration by LVDT.

那么如何才能知道传感器是否需要校正呢?How do you know if your sensor needs correction?