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目前一些边民已经陆续返回。At present, some of these people have returned home.

边民们都认识这个孤独的怪人。Thousands of settlers came to know this strange, lonely man.

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边民互市是边境地区常见的经济贸易活动。Borderers' trade is a common economic activity in border areas.

你没有注意到边民证的有效期吗?Haven! t you noticed the validity period of the Board Resident Certificate?

会不会讨论中缅边境的边民骚乱问题?Will the two sides discuss Chinese nationals who live on the Myanmar side of the border?

大部分的边民都想成为中国人。他们认为只有加入中国才能摆脱贫穷和危险。Majority of those people on the border want to be Chinese. For them China is a way to out of poverty and danger.

我们希望中缅边境局势尽快恢复稳定,滞留在中缅边境的边民能够早日返回他们的家园。We hope our border with Myanmar could soon regain peace so that people from Myanmar could go home at an early date.

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该人士表示,这些边民已准备好衣服、食品和其他生活必需品,随时准备撤离。The source said that these border residents are ready to clothes, food and other necessities of life, ready to evacuate.

后金与朝鲜的边境贸易虽然并不理想,却为后来两国边民的定期友好互市创造了条件。Although the border trade was not very promising, it paved the way for the later regular mutual trade between the two countries.

我们向边民提供了必要的人道主义救助,缅甸边民的人身安全和日常生活得到保障,情绪稳定。We have provided necessary humanitarian assistance to guarantee their safety and daily life and make sure they are emotionally stable.

从绿春县平和乡边民互市的情况可以看出,边民互市具有增加边民收入,促进地方经济社会发展的作用。This case study of borderers' trade in Pinghe Township reveals that such trade can increase their incomes and promote the local development.

缅方对事态造成个别中国边民伤亡深表歉意,对中方善待缅甸边民表示感谢。Myanmar has apologized for the collateral casualties on the Chinese side, and thanked China for taking care of its citizens crossing the border.

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冲突发生后,一些缅甸边民暂时进入中国境内投亲靠友。Since the conflict boke out, some Myanmar residents living in the border area have come to China to live with their friends and relatives temporarily.

其龙村民的跨界交往,是在时代发展与两国政治关系影响下产生的边民互动行为,具有自发性和不均衡性等发展特点。With the characteristics of spontaneity and malconformation, cross-border interactions in Qi Long are based on the same political interest of the two countries.

中越边民的跨国婚姻自古以来就存在,因为他们地域相连,文化相似,语言相通。The marriages of the Cross-borders between Sino-Vietnam have existed years ago for their regions connected, their culture conformed and the language communicated.

都拉塔口岸边民互市经国家海关总署和自治区人民政府批准,于1999年9月26日开业。Lata all border trade ports by the State General Administration of Customs and the approval of the Autonomous Region People's Government, in September 26, 1999 opening.

基于人道主义考虑,中方采取了积极措施,对入境的缅甸边民进行了妥善安置,提供了必要的人道主义救助。Out of humanitarian consideration, China has taken active measures to properly settle people crossing the Chinese border, and provided them with humanitarian assistance.

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冲突发生后,很多缅甸边民逃到中国境内的亲戚处避难,一些返乡的人称如果再次爆发战火他们还会回到中国。Many of the refugees have turned to relatives on the Chinese side of the border, while others who were returning indicated they might be back should violence flare again.

在都市和乡村的对比中,他发现了都市人病态的品性和湘西边民健康的人格。By comparison and contrast between the urban and the rural, he found the morbid character of the urban inhabitants and the healthy character of the people in western Hunan.

第三条本办法所称边境贸易包括边境小额贸易和边民互市贸易及其他边境贸易方式。Article 3 For the purpose of these Measures, the term "border trade" includes petty trade in the border areas, barter trade between border inhabitants and other forms of border trade.