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就资本主义浪费的物质主义来说,即使亚当。斯密也颇有微辞。As for capitalism's wasteful materialism, even Adam Smith had a problem with it.

就资本主义浪费的物质主义来说,即使亚当。斯密也颇有微辞。As for capitalism's wasteful materialism , even Adam Smith had a problem with it.

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英国央行有必要阐明上周四仅有91个词的简短声明,分析师对这点颇有微辞.Economists were unimpressed by the Bank's need to clarify last Thursday's 91-word statement.

卡特中心部分人对书中的不实之处令员是颇有微辞,甚至有中心主管怒而辞职。A former director of the Carter Centre resigned as one of the centre's fellows in protest at its inaccuracies.

除此以外,本赛季他对利物浦的贡献少之又少。在安菲尔德内部,有人对他的态度颇有微辞。That apart, his contribution to Liverpool's season has been lousy. There are some people inside Anfield who speak scornfully of his attitude.

即便这一地区近来的地质活动不全是因这水位上升,但一些科学家和当地官员对些颇有微辞。But some scientists and local officials have blamed the rising reservoir for some, if not all, of the recent geological activity in the region.

至于僧人娶妻,时人虽有微辞,统治者也采取了惩罚措施,但却多半流于形式。For the monks who had wives, though the persons of the time had some censure and the ruler had taken some measures, much of them were only a form.

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业界在肯定上市机场业绩的同时,对于其存在的问题也颇多微辞。Field circle is surely appearing on the market airport achievement at the same time, for the problem of its existence also quite much tiny diction.

几位欧元区财长似乎对美国在弗罗茨瓦夫会议上对欧洲指手画脚颇有微辞,因为美国自身也背负大量预算赤字和沉重债务.Several euro zone ministers in Wroclaw seemed peeved that the United States, itself burdened with a large budget gap and debt, was lecturing Europe on what should be done.

但是在我最近参加的一次经济会议上,很多与会者——包括很多对政策制订颇具影响力的人——都对伯南克所领导的美国联邦储备银行颇有微辞。But at an economic conference I recently attended, many of the participants — including people with a lot of influence in the policy world — seemed to be bashing the Bernanke Fed.