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通则可用以解释或补充国内法。They may be used to interpret or supplement domestic law.

而摩根大通则已明确表示,它自己发出的接收函仍旧有效。J. P. Morgan says all its offers to graduating seniors remain valid.

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德国安联和美国运通则料将急于变现其持有股份.Allianz and American Express are seen as keen to offload their shares.

通则旨在为国际商事合同制定一般规则。These Principles set forth general rules for international commercial contracts.

Magnetar否认有任何做错的地方.德意志银行拒绝评论.美林及摩根大通则未立即发表评论.Deutsche Bank declined to comment. Merrill and JPMorgan had no immediate comment.

如果想采用国际贸易术语解释通则,必须特地将其写进合同中。If you desire to use Incoterms, you must specifically include them in your contract.

这些指导意见包括品种管理的基本原则和一些先进的通则。These guidelines cover the basics as well as some advanced topics of cultivar management.

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我国民法通则对拾得制度的规定过于简略。The stipulation of lost property in the Civil Law of our country is too simple and general.

我国民法通则物权中对建筑物所有权尤其是对建筑物分层所有权是一个空白。There is no regulation dealing with the building' s floor proprietary in our country's Civil Law.

国际贸易术语解释通则对电子数据交换了规定,只要买卖双方在销售合同中同意采用即可。Incoterms provides for EDI so long as buyers and sellers agree on their use in the sales contract.

布尔人此前一直在与祖鲁人争夺某些土地的所有权,谢普斯通则对布尔人表示支持。The Boers had been in a dispute with the Zulu about certain lands, and Shepstone supported the Boer claims.

一项提议指出,互相冲突的通则应当分别给出详细阐述,从而达成对具体案例的兼容准则。On one proposal, conflicting general principles are "specified" to yield compatible norms for a specific case.

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其他工作人员由人事部门依照层级管理的通则任用。The staff of IMCO shall be employed and managed by the personnel department of IMCO according to general rules.

我想不出哪一条生物学通则是对任何生物体适用而没有例外的。I can't think of a single general principle of biology that does not have an exception somewhere by some organism.

民法通则设置了两个归责标准,即“过错”和“法律特别规定”。The General Rules of Civil Law has formulated two imputation criteria, ie, "fault" and " law specially regulated".

一般多数耳鼻喉科医师所接受的通则是病程持续在3个月内采观察或内科治疗。For most of otolaryngologists , observation or medical treatment are treatment options within 3 months of effusion.

综合这些资讯,我们很明确知道肇因于灾难性撞击的大规模灭绝,是例外而非通则。Together these data make it clear that cataclysmic impact as a cause of mass extinction was the exception, not the rule.

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商法通则系一种超越民商分立与民商合一的新的商事立法模式。It is a new model of commercial legislation which goes beyond The unification and division of civil law and commercial law.

一个通则是,偶数个费米子会组成一合成玻色子,而奇数个费米子会组成一合成费米子。The general rule is that an even number of fermions make up a composite boson, whereas an odd number make up a composite fermion.

动物致害责任是一种特殊侵权责任,我国民法通则对此作了明确规定。Liability for damage inflicted by an animal is a special tort liability, which is prescribed clearly in the general principles of civil law.