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我喜欢西瓜。I love watermelon.

卖西瓜。Selling watermelons.

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又红又甜是西瓜。Is red and sweet watermelon.

西瓜娄了。The watermelon has gotten bad.

这朵向日葵是用西瓜精雕细琢而成。A sunflower made of watermelon.

我们把西瓜切一半。Let's cut the watermelon in half.

西瓜开始在长瓜蔓。Watermelons are beginning to run.

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西瓜是怎样变得无籽的?How did a watermelon get seedless?

七月是西瓜上市的节令。Watermelons are in season in July.

西瓜雕刻的玛丽莲梦露!Watermelon carving of Marilyn Monroe.

黑玉西瓜为小果型西瓜一代杂种。Heiyu is a small watermelon F1 hybrid.

西瓜还要切成莲花状。Watermelon also cut into lotus-shaped.

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夏天的西瓜真甜,冬天的天气真冷。Harbin weather is every cold in winter.

咕噜噜,咕噜噜地向前滚,一直把西瓜滚到家里。At last he got home with the watermelon.

种植出这一西瓜的人名叫罗伊德.布莱特。The man who grew it is Lloyd Bright, 67.

你能分辨香焦和西瓜吗?Can you tell banana and watermelon apart?

妈妈把西瓜切成了四份。Mom cuts the watermelon into four pieces.

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西瓜还要切成莲花状。Also cut into the lotus-shaped watermelon.

而且我是用半价买了这个西瓜。And I bought this melon at half the price.

需要我再买一、两个西瓜吗?Do you want me to get a watermelon or two?