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梵几家具的结构均采用中式榫卯链接。Fnji furniture makes use of Chinese mortise and tenon joint structure.

中国传统家具能够保持几百年而依然牢固,皆归功于设计巧妙的榫卯结构。Owe to the perfect Sunmao, Chinese antique furniture is able to keep firm for hundreds of years.

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咖啡屋的主要结构利用大尺寸木材采用传统榫卯技术构造而成。Besides, the main structure is formed by larger parts, connected by traditional mortise and tenon techniques.

古木结构的特点是梁柱的榫卯连接具有半刚性性质。The feature of the ancient timber structures is the connection of beam and column by use of mortise and tenon.

从对试验结果分析看,榫卯节点采用CFRP布和扁钢加固后都取得了良好的效果。The test results show that a good effect can be achieved with the joints reinforced by CFRP sheets and flat steel plate.

本公司古典家俱采用传统的工艺制作,手工打磨,榫卯连接。The classic household effects of our company adopts a traditional craft creation, hand work fettle shagging, the tenon Mao links.

说明榫卯结构改善了墙体的变形能力,在墙体达到极限荷载后,可保持裂而不倒。It means the mortice-tenon improves the deformation behavior. The infill wall is cracked but not collapsed under the ultimate load.

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设计制作了内填充榫卯砌块墙体的钢框架,对体系施加低周水平往复荷载。A steel frame infilled with mortice-tenon wall is designed and made. Reciprocal horizontal loads are applied to the frame-wall system.

如果地面不平,将家具摆放不妥,极易造成榫卯结构的脱落。If uneven ground the arrangement of the furniture is inappropriate extremely easy to cause the shedding of tenon and mortise structure.

受传统木结构建筑的影响,中日两国传统家具都以榫卯结构为主要接合方式。Influenced by wood structure architecture, the structures of Chinese and Japanese traditional furniture are mainly of mortise and tenon joints.

梵几家具的结构均采用中式榫卯链接,其中椅子的坐面及床的组装采用五金件链接。Fnji furniture makes use of Chinese mortise and tenon joint structure. For the seat of a chair as well as bed assembly, hardware hinges are used.

将榫卯和斗拱的力学模型比拟为变刚度弹簧单元,进行了动力时程分析。By simulating the state of mortise-tenon joint and Dougong with the unit of varied stiffness spring, time-history responses of the structure were analyzed.

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当你对拼合的合适程度满意之后,在榫头和榫槽上都涂上胶水,将榫卯拼接起来并用夹钳夹好直到胶水固化。Once you're satisfied with the fit, apply glue to all the mating surfaces, and slide the pieces together. Clamp the assembly securely until the glue has dried.

研究榫卯节点对研究木构架侧向稳定性能以及进一步研究木结构整体抗震性能有重要意义。The research on the joints of rabbet has great significance to the lateral stability of timber frame and Seismic Performance of Chinese history timber structure.

将榫卯连接比拟为变刚度杆单元,理论推导了变刚度和相对柔度之间的关系。By simulating the state of mortise-tenon joint with the varied stiffness element, the relation between the varied stiffness and the relative flexibility was found.

结合整体动力分析结果,根据榫卯连接减震耗能的原理,提出一种具有耗能缝隙的直桩节点设计。On the basis of the dynamic analysis and a power-wasting theory of tenon-and-mortise work, a joint with power-wasting gap between the vertical pile and its cap is designed.

因此,我们推断“应县木塔”的结构中可能存在比较接近国外地板“锁扣”形式的榫卯结合形式。Therefore, we can deduce that the structure of Wooden Tower may exist the grooves-and-tongues joint structure which is close to the Interlocking structure in foreign countries.

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艺术家将一截“榫卯”局部放大,使中国古代的自然观与钢筋水泥的城市发展遥相呼应。The artist magnifies a part of mortise and tenon joint, so that the nature outlook in Chinese ancient times could distantly correspond to urbanization process of armoured concrete.

天乙真庆宫为石砌仿木结构,殿梁、柱、枋、门床、斗拱、吻饰等等,全部是用青石雕凿成构件,然后榫卯拼装而成。Sentiment real-Crystal Palace stone structure Dian beams and columns Fang windows stone decorated kiss and so on all with engraved stone into components then assembled joints Mao formed.

天乙真庆宫为石砌仿木结构,殿梁、柱、枋、户牖、斗拱、吻饰等等,全部是用青在石头上雕刻凿成构件,然后榫卯拼装而成。Sentiment real-Crystal Palace stone structure, Dian beams and columns, Fang, windows, stone, decorated kiss and so on, all with engraved stone into components, then assembled joints Mao formed.