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一位青年搂着情人的腰肢。A yOuth with his arm round his lass.

模特儿款扭腰肢穿过舞台。The models ankled through the stage.

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她懒懒地在阳光里伸展着腰肢。She indolently displayed in the sunshine.

肥肿的腰肢就是最明显的信号。Swelling waist lines are the most visible symptom.

不等我回应,她扭着腰肢不知去向。Before I respond, she wriggled the waists whereabouts unknown.

这位身强体壮、腰肢柔软、但容易厌烦的小男孩,总算找到一种可以让他挑战不倦的训练。Strong, flexible and easily bored, the boy had found a discipline that challenged him.

那些带有淡黄色的柳丝被轻轻的微风吹过都不自觉地扭动着她那纤细的腰肢。Those with flaxen LiuSi was gently gentle wind are not consciously writhing her slim waists.

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他听到女巫的笑声,他揽着她的腰肢,一圈圈疯狂地旋转。He heard the Witch laugh, and caught her by the waist, and whirled her madly round and round.

如果是这样,那就有大把的方法可以用来保持一个更加纤细的腰肢,甚至在夜晚也能奏效。If it is, then there are loads of things you can do to get a slimmer waist, almost overnight.

两条“列库”角优雅地垂在她丰满的胸脯前,一直伸到她纤细的腰肢。Two head-tails hung elegantly in front of her plump chest and stretched to the slender waist.

我家果园的果树也扭动着腰肢,高擎着花朵跟和煦的春阳打招呼。My home orchard fruit trees are twisted waist, high-Host in the genial Chunyang greeted with flowers.

腰肢的猛一颤动,残破的墙垣,燃烧的屋顶和塔巅,阿伽门农死去。A shudder in the loins engenders there The broken wall, the burning roof and tower And Agamemnon dead.

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雄伟的胸肌,纤巧的腰肢,力量的双臂,秀美的颈项,尽显男态刚阳,女体阴柔之美。Majestic chest, slim waist, power arms, and beautiful neck show the states of positive male and feminine beauty.

幸亏还有些东西是溜不走的,比如日益圆浑的腰肢和逐渐粗糙的笑脸。Good thing there are still things that never go away, such as the ever-expanding waistline and the progressively shrivelling face.

幸亏还有些东西是溜不走的,比如日益圆浑的腰肢和逐渐粗糙的笑脸。It's FORTUNATE that there are still something which are bound to stay, such as the getting fatter waist and the roughening smile face.

呃,当然,角色是美国人,而且拥有可爱纤细的腰肢。邓肯使了一个眼色,他说我们会轰动的。Well, I was American, of course, and here I had such a lovely small waist and all. Aso, Duncan winked and said we could have a smashing time.

少女带给他一个腰肢如柳条般柔软眼睛如深潭般碧蓝的姑娘,于是雨果声称他要娶这个女孩为妻。The Maid brought him forth a girl as supple as a willow with eyes like deep blue pools, and Hugor declared that he would have her for his bride.

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当音乐变的高昂激烈时,她们摆动了腰肢,打开了一顶顶的小花伞,像雨中展开的小蘑菇,令人目不暇接。When the music becomes the high intense, they swing the waist, opened the ideologues floret umbrella, like a little mushroom in the rain, the dizzying.

他们第一次注意到她那双绿眼睛在怎样跳舞,她笑起来两个酒窝有多么深,她的手和脚是寻么娇小,而那腰肢又是那么纤细呀!They noticed for the first time how her green eyes danced, how deep her dimples were when she laughed, how tiny her hands and feet and what a small waist she had.

她用这些花枝编成花环,戴往头发上,缠在腰肢间,于是便成了一个小仙子,或是林中小仙女,或是同古老的树林最为亲密无间的什么精灵。With these she decorated her hair, and her young waist, and became a nymph-child, or an infant dryad, or whatever else was in closest sympathy with the antique wood.