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中加间将有何议题?What agenda items will there be?

可否请您为我澄清一个议题?Could you clarify a point for me?

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在这个议题上他们的想法一致。On this issue they thought as one.

我们的会议不设定任何固定的议题。Our meeting has an open-ended agenda.

三读之议题经提出待议。Question on the Third Reading proposed.

这个议题是很有争议的。The topic of argument is controversial.

减税问题将是今天的主要议题。The tax-cut issue will top today's agenda.

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现在,我们对每个议题都简单介绍一下Let's talk about each one for just a moment.

我们已经针对这个议题吵过好多次了。We have disputed about this issue many times.

全球变暖同样应该成为中心议题。Global warming, too, ought to be centre-stage.

讨论去留无疑是一个不同类型的议题。This, obviously, is a different sort of issue.

我们现在着手讨论下一项议题。We now proceed to the next item on the agenda.

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您错过了界面解耦议题。You lose the interface-decoupling proposition.

他的话不切我们的议题。His remarks are not relevant to our discussion.

制定一个议题在想是领导能力上排第一位。Being the first to name an issue shows leadership.

但在特定议题和想法上,双方仍有歧异。But differences remain on specifics and philosophy.

克里斯托夫开始测试哪些议题将被屏蔽。Kristof began testing what topics would be censored.

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毕竟,正是民间部门推动着我们今天所谈论的议题。After all, it drives what we are talking about today.

那将是北约的主要议题。That's going to be the main issue," Felgenhauer said.

第三章为本研究的核心议题。The third chapter is the main focus of this research.