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⊙、绿色社会,动手筑造。Green society, began to build.

他们筑造土坝以阻挡上涨的洪水。They built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood.

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他建议首先筑造一个大网,然后在归巢。He recommends casting a wide net first, and then homing in.

可是,新的压抑情绪可能会筑造一道新墙。However, new trapped emotions could possibly form a new wall.

你不应当住在那死人替活人筑造的坟墓里。You shall not dwell in tombs made by the dead for the living.

让我们试着合作,从而筑造未来,让我们变得具有建设性Let's try to have some cooperation, so we build, so we become constructive.

让我们试着合作,从而筑造未来,让我们变得具有建设性“Let's try to have some cooperation, so we build, so we become constructive."

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大陆版块筑造运动在活动带移动大陆块,重复着大陆块的构成。As plate tectonics moves the land mass over the hot spots more repeats itself.

机缘。巧合。筑造的便是一场场宿命难舍难分的纠葛。Opportunity. Coincidence. Building is a field of destiny find it difficult to tear apart.

独居蜜蜂,将泥土和鹅卵石粘在一起筑造附著在树上的巢。Solitary bee that builds nests of mud or pebbles cemented together and attached to a plant.

这所由若干小型体量和不同材质筑造而成的住宅让人忍不住再次回望,激发人们探索和发现的好奇心。A simple collection of objects to inspire a second look, something to seek out and discover.

他们发现这个历史底蕴深厚的区域拥有大量由精细材料筑造的典雅建筑。They discovered the old and aging district is packed with elegant buildings with fine materials.

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装满沙土的袋子,用作压载物以筑造防护堤,或者作为武器。A bag filled with sand and used as ballast, in the formation of protective walls, or as a weapon.

海伦堡规划设计以水景观为中心,以人性化理念筑造居所。Helen Fort planning to landscape of water as the center, to the concept of humanity to build homes.

在恐龙巢穴旁挖地筑造出这些蜂巢的黄蜂跟现在的黄蜂非常相似。The wasps that created these shapes burrowed near dinosaur nests, and are very similar to modern-day wasps.

最终,蛆虫会在腐肉里筑造小孔,分解后的液体和气体会通过这些小孔释放出来。Finally, the maggots create holes in the rotting flesh, which allow decomposition fluids and gases to escape.

巢套板由木头或聚苯乙烯制成,中间钻有小孔,以便蜜蜂用来筑造用树叶做成的巢穴。Made of wood or polystyrene, nesting boards have holes drilled in them for bees to use to build their leafy nests.

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在对此困境的倾听中,海德格尔进而由栖居思入“筑造”。Listening carefully to the speaking of the plight, Heidegger further thinks of "Building" in the sense of dwelling.

白鹳被选为国鸟后,不少德国家庭特地在烟囱上筑造了平台,供它们造巢用。The stork laid was elected in Germany, many countries after the birds in the family, build a platform of chimney for their nest.

希望今后能有更多的人理解并参与到无偿献血活动中来,用点滴热血筑造人间爱心长城,为社会的公益事业倾注更多的热情。Meanwhile, we wish that more people will understand and participate in blood donation in the future and construct the Great Wall of love.