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就像一段暗无天日的感情,终见不得半分阳光。Like a complete darkness feelings, the end of not half sunshine.

说穿了,有些人就是嫉妒心重,见不得你成功而已。At the end of the day, some people are simply jealous of your huge success.

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这些见不得光的羊肠小道、角落和缝隙是苏格拉底蕴育他的道德学说的温床。These visceral, vacillating lanes, nooks and crannies were his ethical nursery.

注册时间久还没脸没皮的只说明你就是见不得光的垃圾。Registration time long shameless is the only shows that you may not see light of the garbage.

知秋终是见不得自家主子受累,开口劝道。Know autumn eventually is see not get oneself lord the son implicate, the openings advises a way.

玛丽知道姜京俊见不得血,藏在沙发后面,露出眼睛看姜京俊。Mary know ginger jing jun skeleton blood, and hid behind the sofa, show the eyes ginger jing jun.

他像个天使一样对我说着最甜蜜的话语,可他做的事却见不得光。He said the sweetest things to me, like a good angel, but the things that he did were darkly inspired.

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况且,我们没有什么见不得光的,至今也没有任何证据表明我们有隐瞒行为。Moreover, we had nothing to cover up, and there still wasn’t a bit of evidence to indicate that we did.

整个村庄就像是笼罩在一片黑暗的天地中,乌云蔽日,见不得半点阳光。The whole village was shrouded in darkness and sky, clouds hide the sun, can not see the slightest sunlight.

那些不义的人自然会痛恨义人,因为在黑暗中的人是见不得光的。Those who are unrighteous will naturally hate those who are righteous, for those in darkness cannot stand the light.

毕竟,我没有什么见不得光的,现在媒体的鼓噪正把国会和国民的注意力从我们更伟大的行政目标上引开。After all, I had nothing to hide, and all the clamor was diverting the attention of Congress and the country from our larger agenda.

这是他们用来进行违法加工的场所——像是伪造证书或电脑黑客等所有见不得光的事。This is where they do things that are technically illegal–like document forgery and computer hackery and all kinds of other shady stuff.

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女人怎么了,女人也不能太软弱,我就见不得有人给脸不要脸,还骑到我脖子上。What happened to the woman, the woman can't be too weak either, shameless that I can not to be exposed to someone, still ride on my neck.

中国的贫富差距正在扩大,人们越来越普遍地认为,富人们只有通过见不得阳光的手段才能致富。With the wealth gap widening in China, the perception that the rich must have gotten their gains through shadowy means is becoming more common.

首先,如果他们正在抄袭一家网站,他们就有见不得光的想法而且很可能你将因此不能得到按时发放的或全部的薪水。First, if they're copying a site, they have shady ethics themselves and the chances of you getting paid on time and in the full amount are unlikely.

见不得郝玲玲纠缠王星的谢思潇忍不住对她冷嘲热讽,被激怒的郝玲玲立刻回击直指小谢是个醋坛子。Gross ling-ling hao entanglement wang Xie Sixiao cant help to her cynicism, enraged ling-ling hao immediately hit back at her twenties was a jealous wife.

她这样回肠百转地左思右想,直到后来听得咖苔琳夫人的马车声,她才感觉到自己这副模样儿见不得夏绿蒂,便匆匆回到自己房里去。She continued in very agitated reflections till the sound of Lady Catherine's carriage made her feel how unequal she was to encounter Charlotte's observation, and hurried her away to her room.