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我喜欢跑步。I like running.

我们也喜爱跑步!We love running, too.

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练瑜伽,跑步,或者走路。Do yoga, run, or walk.

在暴风雨后跑步。Run after a rainstorm.

你常常一个人跑步吗?Doyou usually run alone?

而是先出门,跑步去。Instead, go out and run.

制定一个跑步安排表。Make a walking schedule.

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跑步去拿,小老鼠。Run and fetch it, Mousy.

我看到人们在跑步。I can see people running.

我只是想跑跑步。I just feel like running.

你会放开手脚,享受跑步!You are open to enjoy it!

我不知道跑步到底值不值。I wonder if it's worth it.

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冬天在户外跑步?Running outside in winter?

就拿跑步来打比方。Take running, for example.

再接着,他可以跑步了。T hen again, he can runt he.

有一件好的跑步衫也是不错的。A running shirt is also good.

如果你跑步,你就是个跑步者。If you run, you are a runner.

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对于跑步新手少即是多。A. Less is more for beginners.

他因跑步而十分疲倦。His running is burning him up.

如果你想健康,跑步吧。If you think the health, jogs.