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谁想露一手?Who wants a shot?

给我们露一手吧!Give us a show, baby!

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让我给你露一手,开开眼。I'll give you a show.

斯科特就知道自己可以露一手。Scott knew that he would do it.

好,我这就给你露一手。Okay, I'm going to show you now.

今天我大牛要给大家露一手啦。I'm going to show off my skills today.

我喜欢参与杀价买卖露一手。I like joining every battle for a haggle.

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那是。今天我大牛要给大家露一手啦。Sure. I'm going to show off my skills today.

今天下午的比赛我们一定要好好露一手。We'll kick some ass this afternoon at the match.

他所作的曲调让乐团中的每位成员都有机会露一手。The tunes he composed gave each member a chance to shine.

教官们大大方方露一手,雷鸣般的掌声又再次回荡在训练场上。With that, the drillmaster showed off his skill and won a loud applause.

他差点控制不住自己的冲动,想要站起身来露一手,叫他们眼花缭乱,见识见识真正的天才到底是怎么回事。He had an almost uncontrollable impulse to stand up and do one of his routines, dazzle them, show.

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和送礼物一样,为妈妈做早饭也是母亲节这一天很普遍的做法。平时都是妈妈为儿女做饭吃,这一天,轮到儿女来露一手了。As well as giving presents, breakfast in bed is also common, where it is the turn of children to make food for mum for a change.

他差点控制不住自己的冲动,想要站起身来露一手,叫他们眼花缭乱,见识见识真正的天才到底是怎么回事。He had an almost uncontrollable impulse to stand up and do one of his routines , dazzle them, show them what real talent looked like.

因此,怀揣着在晚餐会上露一手的梦想,我跋涉在巴黎这个城市丛林中,寻访奥利维尔.博第大厨的厨艺学校。So, hoping to discover how to wow people at dinner parties, I find myself trudging through Paris looking for chef Olivier Berté's "Cours de Cuisine" school.

这是罗威瑞的第一次比赛,不过,其他的许多人是拳击世界的老手,他们来自底特律,克利夫兰及其他许多城市,他们希望通过磨练技能获得在奥运会露一手的机会。It was Lowery's first fight, but many others were veterans of the boxing world. They came from Detroit, Cleveland and many other cities to hone skills in hopes of getting a shot at the Olympics.