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敌人的战线已经瓦解了。The enemy front has crumbled.

冰山和冰川在瓦解。The icebergs and glaciers calve.

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谁击溃瓦解了奥托曼帝国?Who defeated the Ottoman Empire?

老校友的关系网正在瓦解。Old-boy networks are breaking down.

他们的背叛瓦解了该党。Their betray disorganized the party.

他们瓦解了工人运动。They disintegrated the labour movement.

这可能瓦解敌军的斗志。This can paralyse the enemy's fighting will.

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部队瓦解了敌军的斗志。The army paralyzed the enemy's fighting will.

他的政权正在瓦解并全线崩溃。His regime is falling apart and in full retreat.

当一切都崩溃瓦解时,唯有主爱永远坚立。God's love still stands when all else has fallen.

到了公元180年,罗马帝国开始瓦解。By 180 AD, the Roman Empire began to disintegrate.

她对自己身体的自信也瓦解了。Her confident relationship with her body crumbled too.

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这是关系瓦解的第一个讯号吗?Is it the first signal of relationship disintegration?

有人说交易失败预兆瓦解。There is talk of the failed deal presaging a break-up.

他瓦解了我所有的防御,我无法争辩,只能埋头猛做笔记。He brought all my defences down. I could not argue with him.

否则,你的王朝将濒于瓦解。Other way around, will lead to the downfall of your Dynasty.

瓦解之光和电刑的动画很好的显示了这一点。The electrocute and disintegrate videos show it pretty well.

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她说,这将导致“社会瓦解”。That, she says would bring about the “unravelling of society”.

那些碉堡正被敌机一个个瓦解!Yuke G The pillboxes are getting smashed by those air attacks!

对世界领袖的正直无私的普通尊敬瓦解了。The popular respect for the integrity of world leaders collapsed.