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玉米糖浆跟色素吗?Karo syrup and food coloring?

这是色素紫癜性皮炎吗?Pigmented purpuric dermatitis is it?

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眼圈的色素与鼻镜匹配。Eye rim pigment should match the nose.

红葡萄的色素存在于果皮中。The color of red grapes is in the skin.

玉米黄质为黄橘色色素。Zeaxanthin is the orange-yellow pigment.

一种黄色的硫化物,主要用作色素。A red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment.

红曲色素是优良的着色剂。Monascus pigment is an excellent stainer.

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色素体由许多充满了颜料的微小单元组成。C consist of tiny sacks filled with color dye.

一种黄色的硫化物,主要用作色素。A bright red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment.

不添加防腐剂、色素和香精香料。No preservative, flavoring or coloring is added.

纯TFE树脂具有天然的白色色素。Virgin TFE resin has a natural pigment of WHITE.

紫玉米色素是花色素的一种。Purple corn anthocyanin is one of anthocyanidins.

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对桑椹色素做了应用实验。Applied experiments are done foe mulberry pigment.

无人工色素,香料或甜味剂。No artificial colorings, flavorings or sweeteners.

光敏色素是植物体内的光受体。Phytochromes are the receptors of light in plants.

经常食用柿子还可以减少色素沉淀。Eating it often can relieve patches of pigmentation.

不含人造色素、添加剂和防腐剂。No artificial colourings, additives or preservatives.

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无添加化学香料、色素和矿物油。Containing no Chemical Flavor, Pigment and Mineral Oil.

枇杷果核棕色素是一种天然色素。The brown pigment of loquat nut is natural and pigment.

如为低色素贫血可加用铁剂。If can be added for low pigment anaemia, use chalybeate.