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你能修快门吗?Can you repair the shutter?

按下快门键。Squeeze the shutter button.

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好,你现在可以按下快门了。Okey. You can pull the trigger now.

校准快门速度和光圈。Adjust the shutter speed and aperture.

使用反光板锁定和快门线。Use mirror lock-up and a cable release.

尽可能用最高的快门速度。Use the fastest shutter speed possible.

快门故障安全和重力喂养。The shutter is fail safe and gravity fed.

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关闭快门并把相机收好。Close the shutter and put the camera away.

这架相机装有快门自动定时装置吗?Is this camera equipped with a self-timer?

常亮型光源,带快门装置。Always light source, with the shutter devices.

按快门时要拿稳相机。Hold the camera steadily when pressing the shutter.

然后我关掉快门,把萤火虫放走了。Then I released the shutter and set the firefly free.

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我让快门一直打开,坐在一边,对大自然的一切充满敬畏。I leave the shutter open and just sit in awe of it all.

他将照相机的焦距调好,然后按下快门。He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release.

然后,向前转动胶片等待按动下一次快门。Then, you will move your film forward and wait for the next shot.

他打开摄像机快门,揶下了他所做的事情和所看到的景象。Use my camera to record yourself and see what you're doing wrong.

但是,在数码照相术中,“快门滞后”必须要加以考虑。But in digital photography, "shutter lag" must be a consideration.

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如果相机可以,就延长快门时间,再用一个三脚架。If your shooter allows, reduce the shutter speed and use a tripod.

然后导游铲起沙子扬到空气中,我快速按下快门。Then the guide flung sand into the air, and I clicked the shutter.

全球快门的CDS也大大降低了传感器的定额罚款通知书。The global shutter CDS also significantly reduces the sensor's FPN.