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我们不会针锋相对。We do not play tit-for-tat.

很多的的对话都好像挺针锋相对的。A lot of the dialog seems to be combative.

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我们甚至可能看到双方针锋相对的情况。We might even see-saw between both counterproductive poles.

两种教育的价值诉求是针锋相对、水火不容的。The purposes of these two kinds of education are incompatible.

我们喜欢同样的球队,我们也有针锋相对的时候。and we had similar teams that we cheered for, we were also rivals.

尽管立法者针锋相对,盖茨的反应却很温和。But as lawmakers took out their pitchforks, Gates responded in kind.

针锋相对的贸易措施,和法律方面的挑战正在逐渐增加。Tit-for-tat trade measures and legal challenges are on the increase.

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二人不断针锋相对,皇上听到大怒,问少游意见。Two people constantly, the emperor heard great anger, ask less swim.

无论现行的艺术标准是什么,达达主义都与之针锋相对。For everything that art stood for, Dada was to represent the opposite.

有什么能够比针锋相对的自由思想更能刺痛他们呢?What better way to hurt them than with the subversive idea of freedom?

奥巴马可以从这个与之针锋相对数月的对手处获得忠诚吗?Could Obama expect loyalty from someone he had traded barbs with for months?

胜者使用针锋相对的对策,而失败者采取昂贵惩罚手段。Winners used a tit-for-tat-like strategy while losers used costly punishment.

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具体而言,今天我们进行思想战的使命有高度集中的目标,即通过思想较量的手段──文字、行动和形象──造成与暴力极端主义针锋相对的氛围。So let me be specific. Our mission today in the war of ideas is highly focused.

但是,数周来的针锋相对可能使两党很难缩小分歧.But weeks of acrimonious dealings may make it hard to narrow the partisan differences.

在伦敦的一次演讲中,奥登特医生对这种时兴的观念提出针锋相对的看法。In a lecture delivered in London, Dr Odent turned the progressive orthodoxy on its head.

不过,在儒家内部却有很大分歧,即孟子的性善论与荀子的性恶论的针锋相对。Two of the most famous philosophers of Confucianism Mencius and Xunzi are no exceptions.

而这一行为很可能会引发一系列针锋相对的互相驱逐行为。And this behavior is likely to trigger a series of tit for tat expulsions with each other.

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不过,在儒家内部却有很大分歧,即孟子的性善论与荀子的性恶论的针锋相对。Mencius takes the view that the nature of being is goodness but Xunzi believes it is evil.

在其他地方,他说,仅是在自己的家里,针锋相对的观点和面红耳赤的争论早已经习以为常。Everywhere else, he says, even in his own home, polarized and heated views are the new norm.

戴骨顺觉得他配不上亚亚,两个男人针锋相对,方嘉说出亚亚最喜欢的妈妈是哈乐。Wear bone shun think he dont deserve yaya, two men, Fang Jia tell yaya favorite mom is Harold.