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中程,长脖子,皮肤是棕黄色与紫色条纹,果肉黄色。Medium, long neck, skin is brownish yellow with violet stripes, flesh amber.

伊留申IL-86四引擎宽体中程客机。The Ilyushin IL-86 is a four-engine wide-body medium range passenger aircraft.

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伊朗也成功的在训练当中试射了中程和远程导弹。Iran also successfully test fired new long-and medium-range missiles in the drills.

1998年,北韩试射了一枚中程导弹直接飞越日本领土。North Korea test-fired a medium range missile directly over Japanese territory in 1998.

而同样是在今年,朝鲜已经测试了25次中程及远程导弹。The country also has tested medium- or long-distance missiles about 25 times this year.

上世纪七八十年代,其轰-6中程轰炸机就被用来执行过多次核试验。The H-6 medium-range bomber was used to carry out a dozen nuclear tests in the 1970s and 1980s.

在这样做,我着重就顶型中程齿轮,而忽略的廉价市场的另一端。In doing so I am focusing on the top-of-the-range gear, and ignoring the cheap end of the market.

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在雷声公司的提案中,为中程弹药选择了一种多用途化学能弹头。In its proposal, Raytheon chose a multipurpose chemical energy warhead for the Mid-Range Munition.

据韩国联合参谋本部的一位官员表示说,这似乎是一枚中程“劳动”导弹。An official at South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said it appeared to have been a medium-range Rodong.

伊朗国家电视台报道,伊朗成功试发射一枚改进版的中程导弹。Iran has successfully test-fired an improved version of a medium-range missile, state television has said.

平壤近期撤走了位于东海岸的两枚中程导弹。Pyongyang has recent withdrawn two mid-range missiles which had been poised far on the country's east coast.

今天的新闻报道明确显示,伊朗已经拥有短程和中程导弹,射程可以达到在该地区的美军及其盟友。As today's news reports clearly show, Iran already has short and medium range missiles capable of reaching U.

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印度、以色列、伊朗和北朝鲜已经发展了中程弹道导弹。India, Pakistan, Israel, Iran and North Korea have developed medium or inter-medium range Ballistic Missiles.

四十二枚中程核导弹正在拼命加快地拆箱,准备装到发射台上。Forty-two medium-range nuclear missiles were being unpacked and prepared for launching pads with desperate speed.

美国说前两个是短程飞毛腿导弹,第三个是中程导弹“劳动”或“芦洞”。The US said the first two were believed to be short-range Scuds while the third was a mid-range Rodong or Nodong.

让我先谈谈正在日内瓦进行的关于中程核力量的谈判。Let me begin with the negotiations on the intermediate-range nuclear forces that are currently under way in Geneva.

印度的核投放系统包括轰炸机、超音速巡弋飞弹与中程弹道导弹烈火2。India's nuclear delivery system consists of bombers, supersonic cruise missiles and medium range ballistic missiles.

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如果中国认为一堆中程导弹就能把美国从这个地区带走,那么很遗憾,他们错了。If China thinks a bunch of medium range missiles is going to take out the US from the region they are sadly mistaken.

早些时候,来自韩国的报道称,朝鲜已经将两枚中程导弹安装在自行式发射装置上了。Earlier there were reports from South Korea that the North had loaded two medium-range missiles onto mobile launchers.

获得中程和关闭了的照片,破坏地区显示可能确定骨折的模式或工具,马克的证据。Obtain mid-range and close-up photos of damaged areas showing possible identifying fracture patterns or tool mark evidence.