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我都与你同行。I'll aways be with you.

来吧,我们同行,顺流而下。Come, let us go down together.

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第七,为了安全起见,请两人结伴同行。For safety sake, travel in pairs.

你知道,我们与你同行,风雨兼程。You know that I'm walking to you.

他们是我们同行中新来的人。They are new-comers to our circle.

他把他们看作是冠军路上的同行者。He sees them as championship peers.

献给你,我生命列车上的同行者。To you, my companion of life train.

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献给你,我生命列车上的同行者。To you, my life train accompaniers.

我完全相信我的同行是神智不清了。I made sure my colleague was insane.

天骄特卫,与您同行!Tianjiao Special Guard peers at you!

天顺照明与您一路同行!Tianshun lighting with you all peer!

然而这类主张没有一项经过了同行评议。Yet no claim has been peer-reviewed.

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四人同行,应该怎么走?。Fwe mans are walking, how will we go?

无论何地,有我与你同行。Wherever you are, Lili goes with you.

病痛与犹豫总是结伴同行的。Sickness and hesitancy go hand in hand.

黄昏时主与我一路同行。Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I.

三人同行,必有我师。Three counterparts, must be my teacher.

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和朋友结伴同行。Walk with a friend or group of friends.

让雷锋精神,与我们同行!The spirit of Lei Feng is always with us.

与他同行的女人穿着类似的着装。The woman with him was similarly attired.