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没有,我想可能是关于海船的。No, but I think it's about ships.

大风损坏了海船。High winds were battering the ship.

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相约海船后,笛风微入我喉。After the sea-ship, after the whistling winds.

淅淅沥沥敲我伞,朦朦胧胧罩海船。It rains on the umbrellas here, And on the ships at sea.

海船平安无事地抛锚了,已经结束了可怕的航行The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done

像冰山一样巨型浮冰块会从北冰洋向南漂浮下来横着阻挡住海船的条条航道。Icebergs float down from the Far North across the paths of ships.

水密隔舱海船开辟了人类远洋航海的新纪元。The water compartment vessel ushered in a new epoch of ocean shipping.

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三人在靠近纽芬兰葡萄牙小海湾内驾驶着一艘平底海船正在捕捞鲱鱼。The trio went fishing that day for herring in a dory near Portugal Cove.

准确而符合逻辑地说,是让位于维京人大海船的船头雕像。Accurate and logical to say that the NPC is to ship at the bow of the Viking statue.

他在水里迂回曲折地潜到了一艘泊在港里的海船下面,海船旁又停着一只驳船。He swam under water until he reached a vessel at anchor, to which a boat was moored.

海岸的叹息枉费心机地追求着微风,而微风催促海船疾疾漂洋过海。?。The sigh of the shore follows in vain the breeze that hastens the ship across the sea. ?

目前此法已应用于某些海船上,收到了良好的效果。Now it has already been applied to a number of Sea-going ships, and the results are good.

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他对海船的兴趣是由于跟父亲的谈话而引起的,他父亲年轻时当过水手。His interest in ships grew from talking to his father, who had been a sailor when he was young.

一名船员丧身。一艘美国海船在帮助扑火和营救船员。One crewman has been killed. An American navy ship is helping fight the fire and rescue the crews.

“雷达操作与模拟器”专业培训是海船驾驶员基本的专业培训之一。The training of Radar operation and simulator is one of basic specialized trainings for ship officers.

“佛教概论”这个讲座是艾伦.瓦茨乘海船回国时于船上所录制课程,包括两个讲座。"Introduction to Buddhism" is composed of two seminar sessions recorded aboard Alan Watts's ferryboat home.

作者对一艘海船的预报与实船试验结果比较表明,本文的预报方法较理想。The predictions of ship motion based on full-scale trial data of a sea-going ship give satisfactory results.

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它体势庞大,巨无匹敌,是当时世界上最大的海船。SO it is caalled"PRECIOUS SHIP ". this majestic ship was the biggest seagoing vessel in the world at that time.

是主要的货物进口港,有可容纳海船的深水道。It is a major port of entry served by a deepwater channel that accommodates oceangoing ships. Population, 98,962.

自1948年这种采样方式被正式确立以来,有将近三百艘海船曾经在大洋上投放过浮游生物记录器。Since sampling methods were formalized in 1948, nearly 300 ocean-crossing ships have carried CPRs from their bows.