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两校学生棋逢对手、各有千秋,比赛在友好的气氛中顺利进行。The match went with a swing in a friendly atmosphere.

赛跑选手们棋逢对手,比赛非常激烈。The runners were a good match and ran a very close race.

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两名棋逢对手的网球选手打了一场势均力敌的长仗。The well-matched tennis players fought a long, close battle.

在这个意义上,苹果的平板电脑算是第一次真正棋逢对手。In that sense, Apple's tablet just met its first real competitor.

今天下午的球赛棋逢对手,一定很精彩。The afternoon match is a diamond cut diamond, it must be wonderful.

今天下午的球赛棋逢对手,一定很精彩。The ball match this afternoon must be fantastic for diamond cut diamond.

棋逢对手难相胜,将遇良才不敢骄。When a general meets a worthy opponent, he won't dare to underestimate him.

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这两个人都坚持自己的主张正确因此他们相遇是一场棋逢对手的酣战。It was diamond cut diamond when the two men met because they more both so sure their own wears were right.

在以后的战争中德国终于遇到了棋逢对手的装甲指挥官,例如巴顿和朱可夫。Later during the war the Germans were eventually matched by equal armor commanders like Patton and Zhukov.

人在江湖必浪迹天涯,我自持剑走天下,虽有剑圣之称,却从无棋逢对手!People in the river's lake will be roaming, I walk the world tremble sword, although if the blademaster said, but from no diamond cut diamond! ! ! ! !

当我找到了好工作并且能够赚取稳定收入的时候,寻找那个能给我棋逢对手知己的感觉的男人将占主导地位。Since I've found a good job and been able to earn stable money, searching for the man who can give me a feeling of "diamond cut diamond"will take the priority.