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恩宠和爱慕。Blessings and love.

她对他怀有爱慕之心。She bore love to him.

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他们互相爱慕罢了。They adored each other.

我是全心爱慕著她。All my soul's adoration.

娜塔莉有位神秘的爱慕者。Natalie has a secret admirer.

爱慕无邪闺心淑。A heart whose love is innocent!

她丈夫很爱慕她。Her husband absolutely adored her.

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欲望已沉淀,爱慕更长存。Desires compos'd, affections ever ev'n.

噢,普夫隆,我是多麽地爱慕著你!Oh, Provolone, how I do ever love thee!

多少人曾爱慕你那悦然优雅的瞬间How many loved your moments of glad grace

这是一位不具名的爱慕者送来的情人节礼物。This is a Valentine from a secret admirer.

我从来没有真正的爱慕者。I have never really been short of admirers.

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爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心And loved your beauty with love falsh or true

应当是一位美人对英雄的爱慕吧?Should be a beauty on the hero's love, right?

我收到一盒神秘爱慕者送的巧克力。I got a box of chocolate from a secret adorer.

许多追星族死缠那位红歌星,表示爱慕之情。Many star-chasers leeched onto the pop singer.

我多年来都是你的爱慕者。I have been an admirer of yours for many years.

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啊,那夜色里最是轻柔的爱慕啊!Ah, that is the most gentlest love in the night!

她比她的爱慕者和合作过的明星都要长寿。She had outlived most of her lovers and costars.

相互尊敬和爱慕不应随蜜月结束而终。The courtship should not end with the honeymoon.