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这是上帝给网络游民带来的最好的礼物。This is God's gift to internet denizens.

警察驱逐游民离开城市。The police hustled the tramps out of town.

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流浪者,游民流浪汉,尤指带着铺盖卷。A hobo, especially one who carries a bedroll.

说我是白人,游民一个,我和妈妈住在拖车里。I am white, I am a fuckin bum, I do live in a trailer with my mom.

我为什麽应该每周一次到当地的游民庇护所,担任打菜的志工?Why should I volunteer to serve meals once a week at the local homeless shelter?

专家表示,数字游民代表着远程办公领域的一个自然发展趋势。As digital nomads, experts say, they represent a natural evolution in teleworking.

专家表示,数字游民代表着远程办公领域的一个自然发展考试就到趋势。As digital nomads, experts say, they represent a natural evolution in teleworking.

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该镇将举办旧货拍卖慈善募款以筹措经费兴建游民庇护所。The town is hosting a fund-raising rummage sale for charity to build a shelter home for hobos.

乔治·卢卡斯向麦夸里描述了塔斯肯人,称他们为沙漠游民,类似于贝都因人。George Lucas described the Tuskens to McQuarrie as desert nomads, not unlike the Bedouin people.

Kian和我,我们都是国际游民,只是我们从西向东迁移,这一点与其他人不同。Like me, Kian is a globalised nomad who engaged in reverse migration, moving from the west to the east.

游民们完成住宿登记之后,康妮也邀请我们进去,先赠送礼物给女众。After check-in was completed, Connie invited us to come inside and distribute our gifts to the ladies first.

多亏了互联网,我肯定已经有许多美国游民将中国游民加入到了他们的好友名单里。I'm sure many gamers in the U. S has friended a Chinese gamer to their friends list thanks to Internet capability.

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满族固举族皆兵,然其风气之所趋,乃到后来举族皆成为浮食的游民。Solid give all ethnic Manchu soldiers, but its trend trend is to give family were later to become homeless floating food.

短期内,企业会成为制造业游民,从一个国家到一个国家寻找成本洼地。For a short period of time, companies could become manufacturing nomads, moving from one country to another in search of low costs.

一群对于社会危机深感忧虑的中国年轻导演将关注的眼光投向了游民阶层。A school of Chinese young directors who greatly concerned with the social crisis have begun to pay their attention to the social floaters.

花了十六年寻找一位地下艺术家,他是只有铁路工人和逗留于空箱火车游牧美国的游民才会认识一号人物。A 16-year search for an underground artist known only to railway workers and hobos crisscrossing America on the back of empty railway cars.

换句话说,奥巴马是一个典型的数字游民,他会显现出数字游民的更多特征,即使他不在线,他也会像一个数字游民一样。In other words, Obama is a typical digital nomad. We'll, maybe he's got better gear, but in outline he's doing what most digital nomads do.

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当餐厅内的任何在Algarve的喜来登饭店的14个,一定要开始一个酒吧游民在悬崖顶米拉多尔香槟。When dining at any of the 14 restaurants within the Sheraton Algarve, be sure to start with a sundowner at the cliff-top Mirador Champagne Bar.

数字游民指无需办公室等固定工作地点,而是利用技术手段,尤其是无线网络技术完成工作的人。Digital nomad refers to a person who uses technology, particularly wireless networking, to work without requiring an office or other fixed address.

影片由哈萨克斯坦出身的谢尔盖·德沃兹弗依导演执导,讲述哈萨克斯坦地区游民家族的喜剧故事。The movie directs by Kazakhstan family background's Director Xie Ergai · German Wards Yi, narrates the Kazakhstan area vagabonds family's comedy story.