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我已经抉择搬场了。I've decided to move.

真的难以抉择。It's a hard question.

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好吧,这是一个难以抉择的问题。All right. It's a hard question.

那么,下届总统该如何抉择?So what should the next president do?

如果我是容,我也会很难抉择。It's really a tough chose if I am Rong.

给你的英雄一个困难的抉择。Give your hero a difficult decision tomake.

两者难以抉择。It was difficult to decide between the two.

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这个抉择很难,但我还有什么别的选择哪?It's hard, but what other option do I have?

男人的抉择,总是悲壮的。Men's choice is always solemn and stirring.

我们都曾为艰难的抉择苦恼过。We’ve all agonized over difficult decisions.

他必须在死与失节之间做出抉择。He had to choose between death and dishonour.

先生对离婚这件事,处于抉择时刻。Mr. B is at a crossroad on getting a divorce.

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他们需要忍痛作出抉择。They need to learn to make the hard decisions.

这同样是一个高明的“政治”抉择。This is likewise brillant " politics " choice.

这样的抉择对美国农民不算什么坏事。That is not a bad dilemma for American farmers.

这样的二元抉择对于周春芽来说似乎都不合适。Either choice seems to be unfit for Zhou Chunya.

没有人因为抉择而落入爱的漩涡,那是因缘际会。No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE.

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眺不到的未来等待着你的抉择!Do not see the future of waiting for your choice!

毫无疑问,媒体将再次面临这样的抉择。No doubt, the media will face this decision again.

最难的应该是抉择去选择追求那一项了。The toughest part will be deciding what to pursue.