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愁雾疑云罪恶忧惊。Melt the clouds of sin and sadness.

成功是疑云中透明出一线银光。The silver itne in the clouds of doubt.

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对于TARP受助者来说,还有一些其他疑云.There are other clouds for TARP recipients as well.

白宫上空仍笼罩着一团疑云。A cloud of suspicion still hung over the White House.

我只有在拍神鬼疑云的时候做过一次。I've only ever done it the one time with The Bourne Supremacy.

这个蓄着黑须的英俊男人的周围萦绕着一团疑云。There was a mystery surrounding this black bearded, handsome man.

曾屡传同性恋疑云的他也极力否认。Zeng Lvchuan homosexuality misgivings ' he also vigorously denied.

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自己对丽莉的信任一定帮助过他驱散心中的疑云。The force of her faith in Lily must have helped to dispel his hesitations.

一丝疑云之上,下面的这张清单证明这种说法是正确的。Beyond a shadow of adoubt, the list below proves that statement to be true.

总统愚鲁的言论造成一大堆疑云升起。The president's insensitive comments caused a lot of eyebrows to be raised.

尽管辐射疑云持续,工作人员还是继续抢修工作。Despite the continuing suspicions of radiation, the staff continued repair work.

数年后,该公司再次传出资料造假的疑云.A few years later, it ran into trouble again over accusations of falsifying data.

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我所心仪的是,疑云阵阵、一步一顿的旅程。我要闯新径,觅路向。It was the tricky, halting travel I was after, forging a passage, finding my way.

疑云的中心在于能否成立一个独立的能源部。Speculation had centered on whether an independent energy ministry would be established.

宁静驱散了重重疑云,一切重回甜蜜美好。学习原谅和遗忘。Tranquility breaks through the clouds. All is happiness and sweetness again. Forgive and forget.

峰会是在安全问题的疑云下开始的,例如泰国和柬埔寨的边界冲突。The meeting started under the cloud of security issues such as the Thai-Cambodia border conflict.

尽管现在疑云重重,但最近,中国的经济增长率的估算值仍被低估了。And for all today's misgivings, Beijing's growth estimates consistently proved to be too low until recently.

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在这个疑云满布、不负责任的世界上,我们迄今还没有学会如何找出那些坏家伙——更别说如何去阻止他们了。In a shadowy, unaccountable world, we have not yet learned how to name the bad guys -- never mind stop them.

莱格洛塔列在都灵城的未来仍然笼罩在疑云之下,因为他同尤文图斯的合同将在下赛季结束后到期。Legrottaglie's future in Turin is in doubt given that his current contract expires at the end of next season.

二十年前,人们很担心德国会成为新的欧洲病人,但是今天,这个疑云已经大部分散去。The angst of a decade ago, when it seemed that Germany might be the new sick man of Europe, has largely gone.