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媒体也在一旁对这种非现实感推波助澜。The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality.

张教授说,全球化也对这种转变推波助澜。Globalization has also contributed to the shift, said Zhang.

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房屋贷款行业中的一项显著变化也起到了推波助澜的作用。A significant change in the home-loan business also contributed.

而且,你不再对这近乎可笑程度的浪费行为推波助澜了。And you don’t contribute to this ridiculous level of wastefulness.

高科技的皮革面料给皮革制品设计起到了推波助澜的作用。High-tech leather materials have boosted the design of leather goods.

具有讽刺意味的是,正是股东自己在为这种本末倒置的做法推波助澜。Ironically, shareholders themselves have helped spread this confusion.

东博国际机床展为此牵线搭桥,推波助澜。EASTPO is the bridge connecting machine tool makers and shipbuilding makers.

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风为沙子的侵犯起到了推波助澜的作用,这里已经被荒废了超过半个世纪之久。Winds have helped desert dunes reclaim the site, abandoned for more than 50 years.

在媒体的推波助澜下,华尔街也喜欢在小事上大做文章。Wall Street, with the help of the media, also likes create meaning where none exists.

在愤怒和恐惧的推波助澜下,这一决心让基普不断靠近黑暗面。This determination, fueled by anger and fear, brought Kyp ever closer to the dark side.

淹没在物质主义中,直接和间接的为其推波助澜,罪恶便开始萌芽。To be soaked in materialism, to directly and indirectly champion it, has also brought guilt.

巴格达现在相对的平静安稳为其社交场合的兴盛推波助澜,尤其是对富人来说。Baghdad's relative calm has lent sparkle to the city's social scene—especially for the wealthy.

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这两名经理所管理的两支基金在去年破产,对引燃信贷危机起到推波助澜的作用.Cioffi and Tannin oversaw two funds whose collapse last year helped kick off the credit crisis.

阿纳金认为他们是畏惧他的实力才排挤他,帕尔帕廷对他的想法推波助澜。Anakin imagined that they feared his power, notions that Palpatine helped nurture with his advice.

腐败官员为这个高度有组织的地下贩运业推波助澜。Younger said this highly organized underworld courier service is facilitated by corrupt officials.

在乔伊斯看来,爱尔兰的腐朽政治、狭隘的民族主义也起着推波助澜的作用。The rotten politics and nationalist parochialism also accounted for the moral paralysis in the city.

通过使非法移民合法化和增加合法移民的政策,我们只会给非法移民推波助澜。By legalizing illegal immigrants and increasing legal immigration, we supercharged illegal immigration.

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其实,无论是土节,还是洋节,最终沦为成了购物节、吃喝节,自然推波助澜的还是精明的商家。In fact, whether our traditional festival or foreign festival will become into shopping festival at last.

不可避免,仿冒随即而到,投资者在这些项目上也是推波助澜。Inevitably, copycats have arrived, and investors are pushing and shoving to get in early on that action, too.

与吸烟相比,空气污染导致的肺癌少得可怜,但是在肺癌的发展过程中起推波助澜的作用。While it causes far fewer cases than smoking, air pollution may contribute to the development of lung cancer.