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晴空啊,妳的回答是甚麽话语呢?What language is tht answer, O Sky?

东方发白,晴空万里无云。The day dawned with a cloudless sky.

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他站在她的身旁,凝视着晴空。He stood beside her peering up at the clear sky.

紫禁烟花一万重,鳌山宫阙倚晴空。Thee fireworks ten thousand, Aoshan Palace on the sky.

大海无垠,晴空朗阔,这景致真美啊。The boundless sea and vast blue sky constitute beautiful scenery.

十月的晴空碧蓝如洗,只有几丝白云。The October sky was blue, empty but for some still wisps of cloud.

游受斋爱其诗,赞为“晴空冰柱”。You love the poem by fasting, praise for the "clear skies icicle."

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迈阿密胡气候并非总是晴空丽日,有时也有阴天下雨的时候。It's not always nice and sunny in Miami, sometimes cloudy and rainy.

家,云散落头顶,取而代之的是晴空,任我飞翔。Home scattered clouds overhead instead is a clear sky any time I fly.

本文针对晴空天空背景以及有云天空背景分别展开研究。The clear and the cloudy sky are studied in this paper, respectively.

热带海洋晴空发生强气流涡动的频率如何?How often does severe clear air turbulence occur over tropical oceans?

五月的晴空,随风飘扬的鲤鱼旗到处可见。Carp banners "swim" in the wind, highlighting the blue skies of early May.

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我们对万里晴空的蓝天已经习以为常,很少想到去弄清楚为什么是这样。We are used of the clear blue sky and seldom think about the reason of it.

探测结果表明风廓线雷达具有很高的灵敏度,可以探测到晴空热对流泡。The analyses show that WPR is very sensitive to the echo of thermal bubbles.

乌云从东方卷来,已经掩盖了大片的秋夜晴空。Clouds were rising from the east, and already overcast a part of the heavens.

我就安慰自己,就算没有出现彩虹,到时也理一片晴空万理!"No problem! "I comfort myself, no rainbow if that was a sunny day when Jimmy Jimmy!

“在巴黎晴空下”是朱利恩·杜维威尔于1950年导演的第二部法国电影。Sous le Ciel de Paris was the second of director Julien Duvivier's 1950 French films.

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想象这世间并无天堂这很容易。只要你肯尝试。在我们脚下没有地狱。在我们头顶唯有晴空。Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us . Above us only sky.

滂沱大雨后的晴空下,我们往往会看到阳光下若隐若现的彩虹。We've all seen rainbows shimmering across the sky as the sun returns after a downpour.

他站在场地边上,仰望着晴空上的一轮明月。He was standing by the edge of the patio, looking at the white moon in the cloudless sky.