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各种存货应当定期进行清查盘点。All inventories shall be taken stock periodically.

市长也加强了对中国商家的突击清查。The mayor has also stepped up raids on Chinese businesses.

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因此现在是清查这对最被痛恨的组合的好时机。So now is a good time to take stock of IT’s most hated power couple.

它是以林业局为单位、用GIS框架下的森林资源清查数据建立的。It uses GIS-based forest inventory data at a scale of forestry bureau.

统计工作,清查所有瞒产的项目。We should finish the statistics and check all projects with false reports.

所以在你食用之前确保检查清查花的属性。So make sure to check before just chomping on the first flower you recognize!

在这些清查活动中被抓的人一些是合法移民。Among those caught up in the sweep were some legal immigrants, in the background.

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搞好重点商品、重点市场、重点地区大案要案的清查。We should investigate key commodities, markets and areas to clear up major cases.

警察在普拉托清查了非法工厂之后,一位中国移民正在打包行李。Chinese immigrant packed up after the police sweep of illegal workspaces in Prato.

警察在普拉托清查了非法工厂之后,一位中国移民正在打包行李。A Chinese immigrant packed up after the police sweep of illegal workspaces in Prato.

一是对全市范围内的奶制品经营场所进行了地毯式的大清查。One of the city within the scope of dairy establishments had a large inventory of carpet.

在过去的几个月里,政府已经部署了直升机巡逻队来清查非法采矿场。In the last few months, the government has deployed helicopter patrols to spot illegal mines.

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康熙年间,清政府对全国土地进行清查和丈量。During Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, the government surveyed land throughout the country.

托清查之后,工作人员确认了合法及非法移民,并将成群的中国移民分开。Officers identified and separated groups of Chinese immigrants after the police sweep in Prato.

赫略多洛便于指定的日子进去清查这些宝物。这使全城大感忧伤。So, on the day set for Heliodorus to draw up the inventory, there was great disturbance in the city.

该系统还可以在单一的医疗点或多个站点清查管理移动资产。The system can also manage mobile asset inventory at a single health care facility or multiple sites.

亚多模问清女演员的结果后,暂时放弃了继续清查的想法。And ask the results of the model actress, temporarily gave up to continue after the idea of inventory.

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警察清查过后,服装厂的中国管理人员最后一次熄灭了灯光。The Chinese manager of a clothing factory turned off the lights for the last time after the police sweep.

为接收、清查、存储和分发物资设立场所、设施和设备。Establish locations, facilities, and equipment for receiving, inventorying, storing, and issuing supplies.

今年上半年,有154家中国商家遭到突击清查,中国商家当地有3,000家。In the first half of this year, the authorities raided 154 Chinese-owned businesses — out of more than 3,000.