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蛇年年蜕皮。The snake skins every year.

蝉总是在春季蜕皮。Cicada always sloughs in the spring.

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好了我现在已经不紧张了我开始蜕皮了!Well, I'm past freaking out. I'm molting.

所有的节肢动物都可以观察到蜕皮。Molting can be observed in all arthropods.

说到那个蜕皮,相当累人,也相当花时间。Molting was tiring and took a lot of time.

灼烧之后几天,你可能会蜕皮。A few days after burning your skin may peel.

旧表皮被蜕皮液消化。The old cuticle is digested by molting fluid.

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缅甸蟒在蜕皮期间会拒食。Burmese python during the molting Antifeedant.

蝉每年春天蜕皮。A cicada sloughs off its old skin every spring.

昆虫蜕皮物质,在生命活动中扮演什么角色?。Ecdysones, What Role do They Play in LifeWorld?

蜕皮相当的痛,相当的耗时间。Molting took a lot of time, and it was painful.

刚蜕皮的,新壳还比较柔嫩。Freshly molted with new still tender and flexible.

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随着它们的生长,蜕皮是自然的过程。It happens as a natural consequence of their growth.

幼虫成长迅速并且蜕皮数次。Larvae grow quickly and shed their skin several times.

他们不会蜕皮还能训练他们使用一些小的盒子。They don't shed and can be trained to use a litter box.

有些动物会蜕皮,例如蛇、蝉等。Some of animals slough, such as snake, cicada, and so on.

这是在受感染的小龙虾将获得“停留在蜕皮”。This is where the infected crayfish will get "stuck" in a moult.

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此外,还用HPLC测定了长角血蜱的卵和幼虫中蜕皮激素的含量。The ecdysteroid content in eggs of these ticks was determined by HPLC.

每次蜕皮之后,响尾蛇标志性的环节尾都会增加一节。Rattlesnakes add a segment to their iconic rattles each time they molt.

激素调节昆虫的许多功能,包括蜕皮和变态。Hormones regulate many insect functions, including ecdysis and metamorphosis.