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你有什么特长或才能?What special talents do you have?

,但是体育方面的特长始终是核心。But one of them was really my athletics.

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两台机床联动可加工特长工件。Machinable two machine interaction points workpiece.

我的特长是吹奏葫芦丝,爱好是音乐,美术。I am good at playing Hulusi, also I love music and art.

我们的天赋和特长是我们常常忘记分享的东西。Our gifts and talents are things we often forget to share.

小势就是个人的能力、性格、特长。Small potential is a personal capacity, character, talent.

我的特长是打算盘和点钞?用英语怎么?。My advantage is to calculate on an abacus and count the money.

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我要知道的是当你运用这些特长的时候你取得了哪些成就?I need to know what did you accomplish when using these skills.

爱沙尼亚在林业经营管理、渔业方面有特长,而中国在轻工、家电等领域有自己的优势,这些都是很有潜力的合作领域。There are a lot of potentials of cooperation in all these fields.

形象气质佳,普通话标准,有文艺特长者优先。Good appearance, standard Mandarin, literary specialty is preferred.

急于主推转基因食品的有关人等,现在是发挥你们特长的时候了。Hi, those fanatic GM food promoters, now it's time for you to shine!

我在米德韦斯特长大,这里影响了我对世界的憧憬。I grew up in the Midwest, which shaped my expectations of the world.

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个人特长,电脑操作熟练,较好的英语会话和听力。Progress computer well and be good at speaking and listening English.

人们可以依据自己的兴趣和特长来选课。People can adapt their interests and talents through selected courses.

你的个人能力及特长是否得到了发挥?How much do you think your personality and speciality have been played?

你想发展桌球作为业余爱好或个人特长吗?。Would you like to take it up as an off-hour hobby or personal specialty?

阿什拉夫在软件开发和网络基础设施方面有专业特长。Ashraf has a background in software development and network infrastructure.

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她的特长决定了她能够使用回复道具治疗大量的生命值。Her skill means she can restore a huge amount of health with healing items.

虽然父子俩都既是数学家又是艺术家,但他们各有特长。While both men are mathematicians and artists, they have clear specialties.

有哪些专家啊,什么特长,介绍一下。不然都不知道会不会空跑一趟。If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up someplace else.