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团体不引荐吃木瓜汁。Referral groups do not eat papaya.

眼霜产品,引荐艾弗莎的。Eye products, referrals Yifu Sha's.

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你能把我引荐给经理吗?Can you recommend me to the manager?

引荐一个最好的去皱眼霜?One of the best wrinkle cream referral?

引荐一下我的减肥阅历吧,LZ。Referrals my weight loss experience it, LZ.

本人引荐她代表本人们列席会议。I nominate her to present us at the meeting.

你就是信中引荐的那位先生吗?Are you the gentleman introduced in the letter?

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哪个知道好的眼霜,引荐引荐!Which know a good eye cream, referral referrals!

引荐你用凯芙琳试试,纯自然产品。Kaifu Lin referral you try, pure natural products.

买点护肤品用吧,平价引荐卡尼尔。Buy skin care products with it, parity referral Garnier.

第二天,老蒋打我电话,打算接我引荐的那个offer。He called me the next day and accepted my client's offer.

有倡议的向客人引荐餐厅菜单上的菜品,酒水。Ability to suggestively sell menu items, beverages and wines.

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别人向你求助,如果有帮得上忙的朋友,可以引荐给他。Introduce them to the people in your contact who may help them out.

卡奇诺引荐您运用专业的羊毛护理梳。Boccaccino recommends that you use professional nursing combed wool.

如果没有斯诺的引荐,我们直接发信给他,他可能连信都不收。If we had sent him a letter from Fosun he might not have even received it.

所以想问问都用过的冤家详细的再引荐下。Therefore, the enemy would like to ask all the detailed re-used an introduction.

以下就是中国媒体引荐给中国民众的所谓“乔布斯语录”。The followings of Steve Jobs office sayings are introduced by the media to China.

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然后微软公司的引荐使得它为康柏公司设计早期的PDA。Then an introduction from Microsoft led to its design of an early PDA for Compaq.

工厂主人将他们引荐为朋友,而且以东家的身份款待他们。The factory owner introduces them as friends and proceeds to treat them on his tab.

引荐你德玛依的纯自然抗皱面霜,它有双重抗皱的作用。Referral by the pure nature you Dema wrinkle cream, it has a double anti-wrinkle effect.