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松口蘑窝是松口蘑生长发育和产量形成的基础。The shiro is the basis of growth, development and yield of Tricholoma matsutake.

本文综述了松口蘑的分布、发生季节、生物学特性及栽培方法等。The distribution, growth season, biological characters and cultivation methods of T.

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为深入研究和开发珍贵的松口蘑提供了科学依据。This result offers insights for further study and exploitation of the precious mushroom.

试验采用8种培养基配方,对9个松口蘑子实体的不同部位进行组织分离,计接种试管810支。Tissue isolation of different positions of 9 matsutake were made with 8 media in 810 test tubes.

田母终于松口开始接受大林和慧芸的感情,但是梁雅优却屡屡来田家找大林。Tian mother finally let go and start accepting chose hui non-success feelings, but often to find family chose Liang Yayou.

停几秒钟后,慢慢滑出至顶端,同时与他两目向望,好像自己很不情愿松口一样。Stay there for one to two seconds, then slowly slide back up to the top, making eye contact with him as you reluctantly remove your mouth.

对松口蘑菌丝与赤松根形成的外生菌根形态特征和解剖结构进行了初步研究。We observed and studied the morphologic and structural characteristics of the ectomycorrhiza formed between Pinus densiflora and Tricholoma matsutake.

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房地产开发商已经为是否降价出售新开发的项目而犹豫了很长时间,他们希望政府首先松口并放宽购房条件。Property developers have long held back from cutting prices on new developments hoping the government would blink first and relax restrictions on purchases.

房地产开发商已经为是否降价出售新开发的项目而犹豫了很长时间,他们希望政府首先松口并放宽购房条件。Property developers have long held back from cutting prices on new developments, hoping the government would blink first and relax restrictions on purchases.

以上结果表明,松口蘑与赤松形成的外生菌根与典型的外生菌根明显不同。The above results indicate that the ectomycorrhiza formed between Pinus densiflora and Tricholoma matsutake is obviously different from the typical ectomycorrhiza.

揭开松口蘑与松科植物的共生关系,开发松口蘑的人工栽培技术已成为国际性的松口蘑研究课题。Uncovering the symbiosis between Tricholoma matsutake and pine trees, and exploiting an artificial cultivation technology for T. matsutake have become the international research projects.