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克鲁格曼是纯粹的学院派。Krugman is an academic.

难道是学院派和行业派的冲突吗?Is there a conflict between industry and academia?

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“我有些像旧学院派的自然主义者,”她说。“I’m kind of an old-school naturalist, ” she said.

对于学院派经济学家们而言,宣扬忍耐是很容易的。It's easy for academic economists to preach patience.

而相比较而言,学院派评论家很少关注他。His work has received relatively little attention from academic critics.

阿尔玛·台德玛是学院派的英国画家。Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema was an English painter in the academic tradition.

后来这种“印象派化”的表现风格就形成了日本油画的“学院派”。Later, the kind of performance style of "Impressionist" formed "the Academism.

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许多年的学院派训练,演绎流行歌曲真是易如反掌。With many years of academic training, pop songs are just piece of cake for her.

我怎样才能打破这个学院派精英强加在我身上的这种地方偏见呢?How did I ever break free from that provincialism imposed by an academic elitist?

在造型风格上,上海的建筑经历了从殖民地风格向学院派复古主义发展。The style of the architecture in shanghai changed from colony to academism reaction.

二十世纪三十年代,学院派是一支风格卓著、颇有影响的文学流派。As a unique culture style in 1930's, the Academism played a important role in literature.

正统学院派的造型形式,沉稳地构架起叙事空间场景。The modeling styles of orthodox academic school steadfastly construct the narrative space.

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以研究动物行为为目的的野外搜寻,仍然是采用老式学院派方法进行的。Finding animals in the wild in order to study their behavior is still done with old-school methods.

我们有大量的咨询者和学院派,但是却很少有真正使用XP和敏捷方法的用户。We had plenty of consultants and academics but few customers who actually used XP and agile methods.

今天我们将要考虑大纲,和作品,由所谓申命记学院派所创作的。And we are going to consider today the program and the work of this so-called Deuteronomistic school.

罗晓冬出生于大西北,和许多艺术家一样,有着学院派的背景。Luo Xiaodong, born in northwest China, like many other artists, has a background of academic education.

六度分离这个短语由学院派人物斯坦利.米尔格拉姆在20世纪60年代提出。The phrase ‘six degrees of separation’ came into usage after the 1960s study by academic Stanley Milgram.

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第三章分析“学院派”东北秧歌的文化形态变迁。In Chapter Three, the transition of the cultural formation of the "Academism" Northeast YangGe is analyzed.

但在当时,透纳既是艺术家也是空想家,既是学院派也是反学院派,他既属于自己的时代,又遥遥领先于那个时代。but then as both artist and visionary, academician and rebel, Turner was of his time, and way ahead of it too.

当代诗人任洪渊的诗歌是中国学院派创作的一个典型。The contemporary poet Ren Hongyuan's poetry is the typical example of poetic creation of the Chinese academism.