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丈母娘鞭促房价高歌猛进。Mothers-in-law improve the rising housing price.

而澳大利亚的本国经济和外汇也在过去的十年高歌猛进。Australia’s whole economy and its currency have been on a tear in the past decade.

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医学进步在高歌猛进,但太多的人被抛在后面。Advances in medicine have raced ahead, but far too many people have been left behind.

“我希望曼联能高歌猛进的进入新年,”他告诉曼联网站。"I'm hoping United can now go on a healthy run into the New Year, " he told ManUtd. com.

所有关于利比亚反对派高歌猛进的生动报道中,有两件事情是清晰的。Amidst all the dramatic headlines about the rebel advances in Libya, two things are clear.

事实上,实际工资大削减有助于解释为什么就业市场在萧条的经济中仍高歌猛进。Indeed, large cuts in real wages help explain why the jobs market has hummed along in an otherwise sluggish economy.

西汉姆联队目前全队状态不错,场面打法好看,在主帅弗朗科·佐拉的带领下一路高歌猛进。A good job for West Ham that they are in decent nick, now playing attractive, winning football under Gianfranco Zola.

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如果你最近一直都在关注经济新闻,那么你一定早就发现了黄金价格的一路高歌猛进。If you have been paying attention to financial news lately, you’ll have noticed that the price of gold has been rising.

TCS在今年早些时候在股市高歌猛进一阵,但上月公布的季度报表令市场大失所望,股价急挫。Last month TCS’s shares, which had swaggered earlier in the year, slumped as it posted disappointing quarterly figures.

外向型经济的高歌猛进、民营经济的蓬勃发展以及城市化的迅速推进赋予了苏南模式新的内涵。Rapid advances in export-oriented economy, private economy and urbanization add new meaning to the southern Jiangsu model.

西方近代以理性的高歌猛进为时代特征,但理性张扬的结果却使自身由“凯旋”跌落至“黄昏”。Rationality is a feature of modern times in the west. The spread of rationality makes itself turn from victory to failure.

冷战的结束为全球化扫清了体制障碍,发端于经济领域的全球化自此一路高歌猛进,影响深远。The end of the cold war prepares the system for the globalization, and globalization in economy has been developing smoothly, excising its far-reaching influence.

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巴塞罗那目前在西甲高歌猛进,并在赛季初5-0横扫皇家马德里,这样的壮举足以载入史册。Barcelona are flying high in La Liga and produced perhaps the most impressive performance of the century when they brushed aside Real Madrid 5-0 in El Clasico earlier this season.

虽然卡拉格很高兴周末战胜了埃弗顿,但现在利物浦赛季初的高歌猛进已经慢慢消退。Despite Carragher's joy at the final whistle in Liverpool's match against Everton on Saturday, the excitement, the buzz around Liverpool at the start of the season, is evaporating.

而有的人,则是只看到了利益,却忽视了相伴而生的风险,高歌猛进,甚至铤而走险,走上一条不归之路。And some people, have only seen the interests, has ignored the risk accompanied and grown, advance triumphantly, even make a desperate move, go on one and does not belong to its way.

之后卡塞尔以迅雷不及掩耳之势与凯尔特人队签约,最终帮助球队在常规赛和季后赛一路高歌猛进,赢得总冠军。Shortly thereafter, Cassell signed with Boston in time to help the Celtics finish out the regular season and go on their playoff run that ended with them winning the NBA championship.