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毕格罗公司位于拉斯维加斯的工厂不但被铁丝网层层包围了起来,而且还有荷枪实弹的守卫在巡逻。The Las Vegas site is hemmed by barbed wire and patrolled by armed guards.

当荷枪实弹触发替代爆炸射和一个射击技能3次在一排里。When L&L procs alternate Explosive Shots and a Specialshot 3 times in a row.

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在那,有一名荷枪实弹的军队卫兵驻扎,防止恐怖袭击。An armed military guard was stationed there to defend against terrorist attack.

那些荷枪实弹把我们一个个吓得半死,跪在地上祈求上帝能来拯救。Real shotgun blasts scared us all to our knees where we begged God for salvation.

当这些荷枪实弹的歹徒对这辆来访的体育队开火时,他们的声音被录了音。Heavily armed gunmen were caught on tape as they opened fire on the visiting sports team's bus.

接着开来荷枪实弹的军队,开始了一场血腥的屠杀,血洗中约40人被枪杀。Then came the army of rifle-bearing troopers , a blood bath during which some 40 men were killed.

2009年1月12日,在摩加迪沙,幼小的索马里伊斯兰战士荷枪实弹参加军事演习。Young Somali Islamist fighters hold their guns during a training exercise in Mogadishu on Jan. 12, 2009.

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首相和总统会荷枪实弹对准公开的党派政治化的委员会主席吗?Do prime ministers and presidents want to hand loaded guns to an avowedly party-political commission president?

荷枪实弹战斗的紧张压力通常会损坏大脑的正常功能。It is hardly surprising that an experience as stressful as armed combat can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain.

离岸几百米的海面上,法国军舰荷枪实弹,另外有超过3000名警察封锁了整个墓园。A few hundred metres offshore, French warships floated on guard, and more than 3, 000 police had sealed off the cemetery.

他们在荷枪实弹的警卫的看守下,步伐一致地迈动双腿,向着65号州际公路路边走去。Watched over by guards with guns, they raised their legs in unison and made their way to the edge of the highway, Interstate 65.

为什么说镇压一个和平集会,而且是一个荷枪实弹的抗暴警察的人数远远超过参加抗议群众的集会具有如此重大的意义呢?Why is the crushing of a single peaceful rally, at which heavily armed riot police far outnumbered the protesters, so significant?

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解放初期,屯堡当地一家老小曾借助这种建筑,与荷枪实弹的土匪进行周旋,直至外援到来,土匪溃败。In the years that followed liberation, Tunpu people fought with local banditis by the aid of the houses until help came. And they won.

穆萨维收到警告说将有荷枪实弹的民兵负责集会治安,随后他曾试图取消集会。Mousavi had attempted to cancel the rally after receiving warnings that militias responsible for policing it would be equipped with live ammunition.

我永远都忘不了那是一个冬天的早晨,我看着自己的两个女儿,一个仅7岁,另一个也才10岁,挤进黑色的越野车中,随行的是配备荷枪实弹的“大块头”。I will never forget that winter morning as I watched our girls, just 7 and 10 years old, pile into those black SUVs with all those big men with guns.

两周前,在布萨阿索进行报导需要雇佣至少10名庞特兰政府提供的荷枪实弹的保镖才能吓阻潜在的绑架者。Reporting in Boosaaso two weeks ago required no fewer than 10 hired gunmen provided by the Puntland government to discourage any would-be kidnappers.

这些外星劳工的队伍沿着一条树木稀少的山坡拉开了有超过一英里的距离,由一队荷枪实弹的因维士兵看守着。The XT labor force was strung out for more than a mile along a sparsely wooded hillside guarded by a company of armed and weapon-wielding Invid soldiers.

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在一场针对达尔富尔黑人的种族清洗战役中,荷枪实弹的军人奸淫掳掠、烧杀抢夺,折磨并杀死了适龄的男子。In a campaign of ethnic cleansing targeting Darfur’s blacks, the armed militiamen raped women, burned houses, and tortured and killed men of fighting age.

一位名叫法提的抗议者说,名为“革命委员会”的支持卡扎菲的组织成员,荷枪实弹,在首都的老城区搜寻示威人员。Armed members of pro-government organizations called "Revolutionary Committees" hunted for protesters in Tripoli's old city, said one protester named Fathi.

总之,荷枪实弹的暴力分子常常交战,争夺当地市场、加油站或当地街道的控制权,政治大议题对他们而言,可能无甚关系。In any case, big political issues may matter little to gunmen who are often fighting to control the local market, the local petrol station or the local street.