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别如此没有雅量。Don't be so intolerant.

他本有雅量做说声抱歉的!He might have had the grace to say he was sorry!

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赫德先生有拒绝别人赞美的雅量。Mr Hurd had the grace to turn down their praise.

你真是个有雅量的人,对我们的恶作剧一笑置之。You’ve been a good sport to laugh at the trick we played on you.

宗教和道德体系并不能使人们更加有爱心,更加有雅量。Religious and moral systems don't make people more loving or generous.

因此,其词也被认为是意淫、语俗之作、无雅量高致。So his writings are viewed as being lewd, vulgar, and not greatly elegant.

吴彦祖称斯派西是其职业生涯中所合作过的最具雅量的男演员。Mr. Wu described Mr. Spacey as “the most generous actor I have worked with in my career.”

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这个世界上的唯一一个超级大国应该有雅量高致,致力于促进和平与和谐。The world's only super power should be gracious enough to spread peace and harmony among all.

所以你如果感觉自己突然对伴侣雅量大增,归功于荷尔蒙吧。So if you're feeling suddenly more generous toward your partner than usual, credit the love hormone.

对此,我们需要重申批评家和作家的雅量,需要维护文学批评的正常原则。We need to reaffirm the critic and writer's generosity, and maintain the normal principles of literary criticism.

每一个人有时必须有自我解嘲的雅量,承认在特定处境中的他在别人看来,是会显得滑稽可笑的。Everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves sometimes, and to recognize that the situation they are in may look funny to others.

婚礼后接待来客,什么时候都是件尴尬的事情,新郎必须很有雅量才能应付过去。It was an awkward ceremony at any time to be receiving wedding visits, and a man had need be all grace to acquit himself well through it.

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领导大笑,众人大笑。领导海量不做追究,众人雅量不便追究。Leadership cachinnation , public cachinnation . The leadership sea quantity doesn't do to pursue, public magnanimity inconvenience pursue.

「李某显露出对我的资产不感兴趣,我也喜欢他的活泼与雅量,」韩国日报引述金的说词报导。"Lee showed little interest in my assets. I also like his being cheerful and magnanimous, " Kim was quoted as saying by the Hankook Ilbo daily.

儿童主要是借助想象进行创造的,教师要乐于听取学生的不同意见,有接受不同意见的雅量。Children take advantage of imagination for creation. Teachers are supposed to accept different opinions and should not give critical comment on their guesses.

因此,在非常时期,我们从黑暗中看到光明、从绝望中看到希望的非凡能力,将把我们动员起来,以决心面对恐惧,以雅量面对愤怒。So, in extraordinary times, our extraordinary capacity to see light in darkness, hope in despair, is mobilizing us to join together to face fear with resolve, and anger with grace.

一个人特别是身居要职的人要能够心悦诚服地倾听逆耳之良言并从中获得智慧,就需要一种容忍和大度的雅量。A man, especially one occupying an important position, needs toleranceandmagnanimity to lend an ear to truthful yet offensive words withheartfeltadmiration so as to gain wisdom from them.

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但是自从萨科奇做出了出席开幕式的正确决定后,我们应该如往常一样欢迎他,让他真正地感受到我们作为奥运会东道主的雅量,热情和友好。But since Sarkozy has made the right decision to attend the opening ceremony, we should welcome him as always, making him truly feel our magnanimity , enthusiasm and friendliness as Olympic host.

汪雅量教授建议,今后的学校领导发展培训应著重于领导能力较弱的环节,包括推行问责和家校关系等。Professor Walker suggested that more emphasis should be placed on the weaker practices, including accountability and home-school relationships, in future school leadership development programmes.