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我热爱语源学。I love etymology.

意思是“跑道“或从语源学上讲“一项事业“which means "a race course" and etymologically "a career."

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从语源学上讲,人类学是研究人的科学。From the etymology speaking, anthropology is the study of science.

协调了初期英语的史前语源学。highly attuned to the etymological prehistory of the English word infant.

而后我们就会想起,现代英语文字语源学的根源。And we're reminded of the etymological root of our modern English word career.

伽达默尔对它略有歉意,并且他借助了一下语源学。Gadamer is a bit apologetic about it, and he goes into the appropriate etymologies.

分析并利用清人已有的语源研究成果,将大大促进我们现代的语源学研究。Our modern etymology research benefited from the research of scholars in Qing Dynasty.

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有一些故事是关于语源学的,关于语言的本质以及那些词语与我们周围的元素的偶然联系。Some of it is about etymology, about the nature of words and their casual links with the elements around us.

阿拉伯语源学中的”藏红花色”、”深红色”和”糖果”都是中世纪时期英国与阿拉伯世界进行贸易往来时出现的词汇。The Arab etymologies of “saffron”, “crimson” and “sugar” speak of England’s medieval trade with the Arab world.

依据语源学,“德鲁伊”这个词的起源是各式各样,足可以猜忌这个词可能是出自印欧时代之前。The etymological origins of the word druid are varied and doubtful enough that the word may be pre -Indo-European.

这种不太能让人相信的理论出自一位19世纪的语源学家,我还没有在单词爱好者专栏中谈过他。This unlikely theory was put forward by a 19th century etymologist who I haven't talked about before on podictionary.

尽管塞缪尔约翰逊以他1755年出版的词典而出名,但他未获得作为一个语源学家而受到的尊敬。Although Samuel Johnson was celebrated for his dictionary published in 1755, he didn't have a great reputation as an etymologist.

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这可以表明奥利佛·哈代的胃口更大,果真如此的话,也许奥利的引用会有一个语源学的解释。This might bespeak a larger appetite on the part of Oliver Hardy and if so there might be an etymological explanation for Ollie’s quote.

这些英语字典仅仅从语源学的角度注明这个词起源法语,此外别无他言。These English dictionaries haven't made too much progress for this word in the etymology department saying only that the origin is French.

蝴蝶常常被看做快乐的象征。可语源学考察的结果全是快乐的反义词。Butterflies are usually objects of delight but the proposed etymology for the name comes in various flavors of whatever the opposite of delight is.

不仅是因为亨斯利写过一本语源学词典,还因为他恰好就是约西亚·韦奇伍德,那位优质瓷器公司的创始人的孙子。Not only did Hensleigh write an etymological dictionary he just happened to be the grandson of Josiah Wedgwood, the guy who founded the fine china company.

结果,那些世界领先大学里拥有海量数据库的语源学研究机构也说不出个所以然,真是吾道不孤啊。It turns out that entire etymology research departments with vast databases at world leading universities don’t really have much idea either so I’m in good company.