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缤纷色彩融为一体。The colours bleeding into one.

在她的信中过去和现在融为一体。Her letters conflate past and present.

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爱人者和被爱者是融为一体的。The lover and the loved all melt into one.

变色蜥蜴因能与环境融为一体而生存下来。The chameleon survives by blending in with its background.

在这部作品中,作者成动地把过去和现在融为一体。In this work, the writer successfully fuses past and present.

他们会和爱人在灵魂上融为一体。They form a kind of spiritual bond with their lover in union.

观众很快地兴剧中人物融为一体。The audience quickly identified with the characters of the play.

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她的甜润的嗓音与乐曲的回声美妙地融为一体。Her sweet voice chimed in beautifully with the echo of the music.

而如果这是真的,我们希望能够找到这条融为一体的染色体。If that’s true, we want to be able to find that fused chromosome.

右边是一整片海,与天相接,交融为一体。On the right is a piece of sea, and meets the sky, blend into one.

在零利率分界线上,财政和货币政策会融为一体。At the zero-rate boundary, fiscal and monetary policies become one.

我们唱出的各种新的旋律、新的情感、新的故事和新的传统交相辉映,融为一体。We sing new rhythms, inflections, stories, traditions into the whole.

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房梁和地板与从地面到屋顶的壁炉融为一体。The ceiling beams and floor blend with the floor-to-ceiling fireplace?

国际体育舞蹈是将体育与艺术融为一体的一项运动。International sport dance is a kind of activity blending sport with art.

那出戏如此扣人心弦,以致观众很快和演员融为一体。The play was so gripping that the audience quickly-fied with the actors.

当我们在心里融为一体时,酒红色的白天被太阳晒暖了,夜晚是深色天鹅绒般的…Wine-colored days warmed by the sun, deep velvet nights when we are one.

以神奇、特殊、观赏、保健饮用融为一体的创新名茶。With mysterious, special, ornamental, health drink tea of an innovation.

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谷歌语音,刚才也提到了,是内置的,而且与你的手机已经融为一体了。Google Voice, as noted above, is built-in and integrated with your phone.

史传文学是把历史与文学融为一体的文学体式。Historical biography literature is constituted of history and literature.

只要站在那里,一起呼气,一起吸气,就好像你们已经融为一体了。Just stand there inhaling and exhaling together, as if you were one being.