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情情景景,都让人感慨万千。The sentiment scene scenery, lets the human be filled with emotion.

离开球场之后,法国人回忆着这个夜晚,感慨万千。As he left the stadium, the Frenchman reflected on a night to savour.

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回想起这些后的风雨,感慨万千,路还很长。Back after the storm of these, filled with emotion, a long way to go.

走在新世纪的征途上,我感慨万千。Walking in the new century journey, I filled with a thousand regrets.

这个就不用我介绍了,曾经对我来说是遥不可及的梦想。一睹它的芳容还是让我感慨万千。PKU is a unreachable dream for me! Anyway I am still moved by its elegance.

第一篇总是不知从何写起,或许别人会对自己的第一篇感言感慨万千。I don't know how to start my first blog, maybe other people has a lot to say.

看到这则报道,我真是感慨万千,不禁又回想起20多年前那令人伤心的一幕。This report deeply touched me, and reminded me of the sad scene 20 years earlier.

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马母感慨万千,一家人从来也没这么和睦过。The horse mother of one family filled with a thousand regrets, never had such peace.

面对年轻一辈们的新年祝福,老魏也是感慨万千。In the face of the young generation are New Year wishes, old wei is also deeply touched.

当她看到家乡的巨大变化,真是感慨万千。When she saw the great changes of her home town, all sorts of feeling welled in her mind.

展未来任重道远,十五年的创业,今胜夕,回首过去,感慨万千,展望未来,信心百倍。Looking to the future, a long way to go, ten years of pioneering, Now is better than the past.

迷糊中,于晨露来到他的病床前,意外的重逢,令两人悲喜交加,感慨万千。Confused, came to his bed in the morning dew, unexpected reunion, make two people feeling, and emotion.

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时下,我对着台历上那最后的一页,不能无动于衷,简直可以用感慨万千来形容。Right now, I am facing the calendar on that last one, can not remain indifferent, simply can be filled with emotion to describe.

突然间我感慨万千,尤其当我看到那个小女孩玩耍引人欢笑的样子,我越发感到对家乡的思念,对家的思念。Especially when the little girl was playing and brought us fun, the feeling of family, thus hometown Yong Chun, is much stronger.

此次相逢,二人感慨万千,晚餐时他们忆起了往亊,当谈及同学何禄时,静洙显得很不自然。Meet this, myriad of 2 people deep feeling, when dinner their recall toward , when refer classmate He Lu, static Zhu appears very factitious.

在博物馆里,就有一尊反映当年纺织工人在砸毁的纺织机前痛定思痛的雕塑,参观者纷纷驻足,感慨万千。In the museum, there are a textile workers in smashing the year reflected the textile machine before the bitter experience of the sculpture, visitors have stopped, filled with emotion.

得到这个消息,我心中感慨万千,同样是一起网络认识的,同样是一样的宣传,同样是一样的活动和想法,为什么我们罗田人的反应就这样迟钝?Get this' news, filled with a thousand regrets in my heart, same is together network known, same is same propaganda, same is same act and idea, why's our Luotian's people de react like this dumpish?