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作为一个晚辈,我们应该尊敬老人。As a junior, we should respect the old.

那些你所创造出的吸血鬼是你的晚辈。Those thou create are thine own childer.

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然后慢腾腾地告诉身旁的晚辈,我走了,就没有了。Then slowly tell side juniors, I go, there is no.

作为晚辈,你理该去看望生病的叔叔。As a junior, you should go to visit your ailing uncle.

因此尊重长辈,晚辈和其他所有人。So respect your elders, minors, and everyone in between.

我们作为晚辈,聆听着这头雄狮最后一次的咆哮。The lion roared one last time, and we were all his cubs.

这宝盒充满爱的记忆,是长辈赠与晚辈的礼物。It is a gift of loving memories from one generation to the next.

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这个老人非常爱他的晚辈,因为他们是他的希望。This old man loves his inferiors very much, for they are his hope.

当然,在那里,我有兄弟妹妹,还有晚辈。Definitely, I have brothers and sisters, and also junior generations.

总是礼让长辈在先,晚辈居后。Let those who are older go first, the younger ones should follow behind.

中国古代礼仪要求晚辈坐在长辈下首。According to ancient manners, the juniors should sit on the right side of the superiors.

我是晚辈记者,他是刚出道的候选人,我选了他,而他居然赢了大选。As a junior reporter, I had drawn the junior presidential candidate, who happened to win.

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晚辈跟长辈一起喝酒时,晚辈必须将身子侧一边喝酒,以示对长辈尊敬。The younger should turn to the side when drinking with an old Korean to show his respect.

同时,对两位晚辈的爱情走向成熟迈入婚姻而表示良好的祝愿!At the same time, two of the children love to mature into marriage and expresses the good wish!

没想到三十年后的今天,我还是站在这里,面对的却是一群目无尊长的后生晚辈。I never think that after thirty years, i am still standing here, but face to juniors with impoliteness.

晚辈们时不时地朝老人那边看上几眼,老人眼里含着眼泪,默默地吃着。Sometimes when the family glanced in grandfather's direction, he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone.

是全家团圆的喜乐气氛,是晚辈孝敬长辈围坐在桌前敬的那一杯酒。It's the happiness of the whole family sitting together chatting, it's our toast to our elders at dinner.

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所谓“孝悌”,就是对父母晚辈要孝敬,对兄弟姐妹要相亲相爱。The so-called filial piety means to be filial to parents and their elders, and love brothers and sisters.

母亲保留的旧照片,以她隔代晚辈们的单人或多人合影居多。Most of those photos that mother retained are her descendants' single or group photos of the second generation.

伊恩。赖特专程到来鼓励他的晚辈们,也最后一次看看这片为之拼搏十余年的绿茵地。Ian Wright came to encourage his later generation and saw the field again on which he played more than ten years.