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看来,她起了疑心。Oh, she had her suspicions.

他的话消除了她的疑心。His words quietened her suspicions.

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我们疑心这个证件是伪造的。We suspect the paper to be a counterfeit.

疑心是友谊的毒药。Diffidence is the poison of true friendship.

Sucre发现马桶不能冲水了,起了疑心。Sucre stands at the toilet but it won’t flush.

到目前为止,好像还没有疑心到有人窥伺。There's no suspicion of being shadowed so far.

从这些话可看出阿米莉亚起了疑心。These words showed that Amelia was suspicious.

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人们疑心汤姆有反宗教情绪。Tom was suspected of anti-religious sentiments.

但是大多数什叶派仍然对逊尼派怀有疑心。But most Shias still regard the Sunnis with suspicion.

剽窃者总是疑心文字被人盗用。Plagiarists are always suspicious of being stolen from.

警方疑心巴拉米与被杀死的周哥有关。Police suspect barak meters and killed ZhouGe relevant.

他们总是对四邻存有疑心。They were always very suspicious about their neighbours.

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当然,恪守这些守则不至于让你变成一个神经兮兮、疑心重重的人。And they won’t make you into a nervous or suspicious person.

她疑心并且深怕这个被告会负心。She suspected and feared that this defendant would fail her.

有一会儿,她疑心自己做了什么不体面的事。For a moment she suspected herself of having committed an indecency.

这时,马克白把两个仆人杀死,因此引起麦克道夫的疑心。Macbeth kills the two servants, but Macduff becomes suspicious of him.

他的同事对他的销售报告起了疑心,指责他做假。His co-worker calls him out on his sales reports and accuses him of fraud.

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不要让邪恶的意念和疑心,使你们离弃了永活的上帝。Don't let evil thoughts or doubts make any of you turn from the living God.

我疑心有几个朋友偷偷嘲笑我温和的锻炼程序。I have friends who, I suspect, secretly scoff at my mild work-out routines.

丢了吊坠后的白熙坏音讯不时,白熙开端疑心惠美。Lost pendant BaiXi bad words after the start time, BaiXi suspicious huimei.