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解体检修主机调速器。Overhaul the main engine governor.

他们的大家庭去年解体了。Their big family dissolved last year.

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石头也会解体,化为水浆。For stones dissolved to water do convert.

这个恐怖组织成立于前苏联解体之后。Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR.

飞机以那种速度飞行时开始解体。At that speed the plane began to disintegrate.

真主保佑,今天,我宣布印度解体。Today, I announce the breakup of India, inshallah.

我兄弟那辆破摩托车已经解体了。My brother's rinky-dink motorcycle just fell apart.

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这场革命战争已使该国解体。The revolutionary war has deteriorated the country.

一旦家庭解体,社会也就必定崩溃。Society must disintegrate once the family dissolves.

解体超过5小时,定时释放受益。Disintegrates over 5 hours for timed-release benefit.

因此,在2001年的今天,和平号太空站解体了。Therefore, on this date in 2001, Mir was taken apart.

在钙离子浓度高时,他们融合而不解体。At high calcium concentration they fuse without lysis.

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格林兰的彼特曼冰川可能正在解体。Greenland's Petermann glacier could be disintegrating.

但是现实主义者说苏联解体对中国是有利的。But the pragmatists were saying this is good for China.

解体超过6小时,定时释放受益。Disintegrates over six hours for timed-release benefit.

但是,当这一古老的大陆解体时,生命变得更加繁盛。But when that ancient continent broke up, life got lusher.

报道称,苏联解体后乌克兰接手了“瓦雅格”号,并在1998年把它出售给了中国。Ukraine inherited the Varyag, selling it to China in 1998.

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该工具的测试可在现场进行,不需要解体阀门。The test can be done on site without dismounting the valve.

而当大部分的针脚都破了时,这块布料也就完全解体了。And when most of the stitches fray, the fabric disintegrates.

只是在苏联解体之后,关系缓和才成为可能。Détente only became possible after the Soviet Union's demise.