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起码没人跟你抢夫君。Nobody shares your husband with you.

那位妇女正正在拿一块蛋糕给那夫君。The woman is taking a cake to the man.

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不知我有什么过错,夫君要休我回家。If I have any fault to Sue me home, sir.

夫君,此梦是凶是吉?Jon, this is the dream of Kyrgyzstan is fierce?

女人,怀了夫君的孩子就真的会这么幸福吗?Woman, is pregnant the husband's kid really so happy?

而你还得小心的防范我的夫君大人。And you would do well to beware of my lord husband too.

只管她有许多男朋侪,她总是畏惧夫君。She was always afraid of men, even though she had lots of boyfriends.

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一名夫君,他种子队挂在路灯3月5日在巴黎足球。A man hangs on a street lamp as he juggles a football March 5 in Paris.

那位脱号衣的夫君看起去很里擅,但是我记没有起他的名字。The man in uniform looks familiar to me, but I don't remember his name.

我想通过我的分析,你也许会想,难道我就找不到一个称心的夫君吗?I think through my analysis, you might think, I can't find a good husband?

她的夫君是一位从未放弃关注自身利益的前任总统。She is married to a former president who has lost none of his self-regard.

尤其对夫君不仅要温柔,而且要三从四德。Especially to their husbands, they should not only be gentilesse but also to obey.

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这个整天和我一起嘻嘻哈哈打打闹闹的家伙,已经为人夫君了。This guy used to chat and play with me day after day, and now he was Worm's husband.

那是一场老夫君的胜利,他们期待了多少赖多十年的胡念终究真现了!This is a victory for old men, they are waiting for decades dream finally came true!

此时,专诸妻子已沏好了茶,给自己夫君和客人端上来了。Now, Zhuan Zhu's wife had made some tea. She took it up to her husband and the guest.

梅耶尔的夫君叫扎克·布格,是一名房地产投资经理。The lucky guy is Zach Bogue, who works as an investment manager at a real estate company.

你以为人家夫妻都甜甜蜜蜜,就你家夫君欠了火候?Do you think people are sweet sweet honey wife, husband owes on the degree of heating your home?

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不过就是说你长的俊,将来好送去给那个刁蛮郡主当夫君而已!However be mention what you grew is handsome, in the hereafter send to be a husband to that obstinate princess just!

皇兄还对我夫君说,“如果你能让公主尽享鱼水之欢,我就赐你这把王者之剑。”这他才来了劲儿。He told my husband, "if you make your wife happy with lucks, I will give you this Emperor's sword." That got him going.

也许,但凡女子对这样痴情的男子都会动心,哪怕她们已有了如意夫君。Probably, but any female ambition show interest to this spoony men, which scared they have yet had a satisfied husband.