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他们谈论现代主义。They talked about modernism.

劳伦斯的现代主义视野。H. Lawrences modernist perspective.

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后现代主义——我还没理解它。Postmodernism—I didn’t understand it.

所以,观念艺术首先是现代主义的。So, ideal art is modernistic above all.

一场新展览会标志着后现代主义的终结。A new exhibition signals the end of postmodernism.

寓言如何在库尔贝的现代主义中起作用?How does allegory function in Courbet's Modernism?

一簇野花具有深刻的现代主义内涵。A tuft of flowers have deep modernism connotations.

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穆旦是中国最杰出的现代主义诗人。Mu Dan is China' most remarkable poet of modernism.

对于现代主义的意涵,一直以来人们莫衷一是。Art has been a product of modernization and modernity.

该普鲁伊特-戈被认为是现代主义建筑。The Pruitt-Igoe was considered modernist architecture.

后现代主义者对现代生活基本上持批评态度。The post-modernists are basically critiques of modern life.

现代主义是从固定角度来看是直立的。And modernism is all about verticality,from a certain angle.

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内阁中的现代主义所希望的议程内容是What the modernisers inside the ­cabinet want on the agenda is

拼贴画是后现代主义小说中主要的艺术特色之一。Collage is the major artistic feature of post-modernism novels.

现代主义为一种全新的文化奠定了基础。Modernism provided the foundations for a genuinely new culture.

毫无疑问,现代主义有其声名显赫的的智慧祖先。To be sure, modernism had its illustrious intellectual ancestry.

约翰·福尔斯是一位优秀的英国后现代主义小说家。John Fowles is one of the excellent English postmodern novelists.

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自我言说其存在,是现代主义艺术的特质之一。Self-existence is one of the special features of modernistic art.

柏杨小说渗入现代主义质素,更好地表达出作家对生活的感悟。And Bo's for the better expression of writer's experience of life.

他嘲笑超现实主义画家是“现代主义低能”的领导者。He derided the surrealists as 'leaders of modernistic imbecility'.