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双喜临门大歌荡漾。Double Happiness great Google waves.

对51岁的尔森来说,这是一件双喜临门的事。For Erson, 51, it's a double blessing.

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那就说明你会双喜临门呗。That means you'll have double happiness.

双喜临门。A double blessing has descended upon the house.

范争一同时以单杆85分获得一杆最高分奖,双喜临门。Fan also won the Highest Break award with a run of 85.

真的?这可是双喜临门了!在次恭喜你。Really? That's icing on the cake. Congratulations again.

“双喜临门,福航至诚”,本标识典雅美观,意味深长。"Double Happiness, Fu Hang sincerity", the logo and elegant beauty, meaning.

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座谈会结束时,强卫高兴地说,当前,对青海来说是双喜临门。At the end of the forum, said Qiang Wei pleased to present, on the Qinghai is two years.

红是双喜临门的颜色,象征着快乐的时刻、吉祥、热情和繁荣。It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity.

红色是双喜临门的颜色,象征着快乐的时刻,吉祥,热情和繁荣。It is the the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness , enthusiasm and prosperity.

对我来说,这真是双喜临门,因为之前很多人都认为我将错过本届世界杯,他们不认为我会及时康复。It has been a double victory for me, as so many had written me off and thought I'd never be able to recover in time.

鲁伊双喜临门,因为他本周刚刚与俱乐部续约,并曾开玩笑的许诺会在2007年合约到期前为球队进球得分。It was a double celebration for Rui, who renewed his contract during the week and jokingly promised to score before it expired in 2007.

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在这场因机械故障而导致高退赛率的比赛结束后,迈克尔-舒马赫和菲利普-马萨在这一天为法拉利带来了双喜临门。Michael Schumacher and Felipe Massa make it a day of double celebration for Ferrari after a race which saw an unusually high number of mechanical retirements.

或许你的租约将会上涨,也可能赚钱的机会双喜临门来为你指出下一步,又或者你合伙人的人生将会是你作出决定的关键因素。Maybe your lease will be up, a couple money-making opportunities will show you the next step or your partner's life will be a decisive factor in your decision.

王苏两家会晤,王夫人要求东坡五千贯嫁妆,东坡赞成,但他要王雱高中后才成亲,到时双喜临门。Suziewong two meeting, Mrs King asked dongpo five thousand penetration dowry, dongpo in favor, but he didnt marry to king Pang after high school, then double happiness.

新年是中国的传统节日,也是全家团圆高兴的日子,许多人都会挑选在这个时分成婚或者是搬家新居,来个双喜临门。New Year is a traditional Chinese festival, is also a happy day a family reunion, many people would choose married at this time, or move a new house, to a double happiness.

今天对北京23岁的新娘张杰和31岁的新郎马昕来说是毫不夸张的“双喜临门”,他们将婚礼定于这个重要时刻”。Today is quite literally a time of "double happiness" for Beijing bride Zhang Jie, 23, and groom Ma Xin, 31, who scheduled their wedding to coincide with the momentous occasion.

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韩国射箭项目的一名官员日前称,在北京奥运会上双双夺金的韩国射箭队“一哥”“一姐”可谓双喜临门,他们在奥运结束后宣布了结婚计划。South Koreas top male and female archers capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended, an archery official said on Tuesday.

韩国射箭项目的一名官员日前称,在北京奥运会上双双夺金的韩国射箭队“一哥”“一姐”可谓双喜临门,他们在奥运结束后宣布了结婚计划。South Korea's top male and female archers capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended, an archery official said on Tuesday.

韩国射箭项目的一名官员日前称,在北京奥运会上双双夺金的韩国射箭队“一哥”“一姐”可谓双喜临门,他们在奥运结束后宣布了结婚计划。South Korea's top male and female archers capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended, an archery official said on Tuesday.