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这就是探寻为什么的力量。This is the power of asking why.

首先,他们是真理的探寻者。First, they were seekers of the truth.

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可以探寻宇宙的奥秘We can discover things about the universe.

然后我们会探寻退出机制,”古永铿说。Then we'll explore exit options," Koo said.

想拥有迷人的双眸,请多探寻别人的优点。For Lovely eys, Seek out the good in people.

生活是你的,所有事都靠你自己去探寻。This is your life, go find out for yourself.

突然之间,我开始探寻不可能的事。Suddenly, I began to question the impossible.

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我仰望我的祖国,我探寻人类的精神。I look at my country and I seek the human soul.

与狼共舞,探寻野性的诱惑。Dancing with wolf is a new way for wild fashion.

完成一部小说的初稿就是一次探寻。Completing the first draft of a novel is a quest.

想起了我探寻全世界而感悟到的。Remembering me discover and see all over the world.

我对你写的关于探寻水源的文章很感兴趣。I was most interested in your article on water divining.

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谷歌可能会努力探寻下一个类似于当初谷歌的新业务。Google may itself discover the next Google-like business.

全息嵌入有能量领域而且可以探寻到。Holographic inserts have energy fields and can be dowsed.

第一章着重探寻李长之文学批评的思想渊源。The first chapter is about the ideological origins of Li.

那些都是很多非日本人要探寻的问题。Those are the questions many non-Japanese will be asking.

探寻真相是否也是种罪恶,探寻那玫瑰下的真相?Is it a sin to seek the truth, the truth beneath the rose?

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探寻者必须拒绝低等自我的邪恶耳语。The seeker must reject evil whisperings of the lower self.

目的为探寻更精细的下面部轮廓整形方法。Objective To find a way for finer lower face re-contouring.

再不然,你也可以探寻校园或者城市里你还未曾到过的角落。Or, you can explore new corners on campus or around the city.