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老娘我不干了,回家了。I'm going home.

老娘法眼一开就知道你是个妖孽了。I escaped a knew you were a monster.

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把裤子脱了,可能老娘有印象。Drop your pants, maybe I'll remember.

有谁敢在老娘思考问题的时候打扰?Who dares disturb me while I ponder! ?

老娘曾经爱过你个人渣,现在只是不想再傻逼了。I love you so much. I just don't like you anymore.

他双脚一跺,“和你老娘一个胚子!He stamped his foot in anger. "Like mother, like son."

其实我对你就像对我自己老娘一样的尊重。In fact, I respect you so much, I treat you as my mom.

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老娘法眼一开就知道你是个妖孽了。Hogan opened his aging mother know you are an evildoer.

你老娘喜欢给你准备剥好的菱角和雪豆。Your mother made you peel water chestnuts and snow peas.

老娘只是跟他说一个月洗一次澡有点不太好而已啊喂。I only told him that showering once a month was not normal.

窃贼威胁我老娘不得向警方报告。The thief intimidated my old lady into not telling the police.

不要脸。臭三八…你给老娘记住…No face, bad smell three eight, you gie your old mother remember.

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不要脸。臭三八…你给老娘记住。No face, bad smile three eight, you give your old motheree remember.

许多人说,拾荒老娘的照片堪称2010年最感人的照片。Many say his photos of his mother is the most moving pictures of 2010.

楚仲你个王八蛋,你昨天给老娘的是什么东西!Chu Zhong bastard, you what to give old Niang was what things yesterday!

阿加真的上火了,这回可不轻,只得奔远在三十多里外的家里的老娘。A really angry, it can not light, had to run in more than 30 miles home to mother.

红眼睛原知道他家里只有一个老娘,可是没有料到他竟会这么穷,榨不出一点油水,已经气破肚皮了。Red-eye knew he had only an old mother at home, but had never imagined he was so poor.

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老娘一直视帅哥与金钱如粪土,而他们也一直是这样看我的。A handsome boy with old niang regarded money like dirt, and they have been so look at me.

王师北口喷鲜血,将家乡的老娘托付于刀锋。King division north entrance injection blood, will entrust in the old niang hometown blade.

今天一个陌生女人走过来,照着我的裆部狠狠一脚说别再给老娘打电话。FML。Today, a random woman walked up, kicked me in the nuts and told me to never call her again. FML.