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下周我们将更多地探讨轮牧。We willtalkmore rotational grazing next week.

专家说,轮牧不仅对草场和牲畜大有裨益,还能节约金钱。Experts say rotational grazing is good for the land and the animals, and it can save money.

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轮牧甚至可以通过保持草地的良好状态来防止磷火产生。Rotational grazing can even help prevent wildfires by keeping grasslands in good condition.

您说的是轮牧,轮流放牧的意思。对吧?What you mean is rotation grazing, not allowing animals to graze on rotated pasture. Right?

将牲畜从一片牧场迁徙到另一片牧场可以为新草的生长提供所需的时间,这称为轮牧。Moving animals from one area of pasture to another can provide the time needed for new growth.

专家称,虽然轮牧经济省钱,它也需要周密筹划。Experts say that while rotational grazing can save money over time , it also requires planning.

土大黄的分布和扩张与传统的轮牧体系息息相关。The distribution and expansion of Rumex nepalensis was affected by local traditional grazing regimes.

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分区轮牧有利于人工栽培牧草分蘖,对野生杂草有控制作用。Rotational grazing is favourable to tiller number of planted grasses and controling the wild grass tiller.

四季游牧和两季轮牧都能够缓解放牧压力,保证植物恢复生长。It relieved pressure and vegetation restoration under four seasons nomadic, two seasons rotational grazing.

不同轮牧时间对荒漠草原土壤容重的影响没有规律可寻。There were not basic rules of the influences of different rotating time to the soil bulk in dissert grassland.

定居放牧是指牧人定居并建有畜圈,草场按季节轮牧。Settled grazing means livestock herders to settle in and built ring, rotating grazing pastures on a seasonal basis.

试验结果表明轮牧可以减轻草地利用强度,有利于草地植被的恢复。This experiment's result indicates that rotational grazing could alleviate the utilize intensity of grassland vegetations recovery.

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分区轮牧牧草粗蛋白质含量高于同期连续放牧草地,而粗纤维含量低于连续放牧草地。The content of crude protein in rotational grazing pasture was higher and the crude fibre was lower than continuous grazing pasture.

本文分析了内蒙古草地放牧制度的历史与现状,着重讨论了自由放牧与草地退化的关系及分区轮牧的好处。The relation-ship between free grazing and grassland deterioration, and the advantages of rotational grazing were emphatically discussed.

放牧强度相同时,划区轮牧绵羊的采食时间较季节连牧短,反刍卧息时间和游走时间增加。The results show that the eating time of the sheep increases and the resting and idling time decreases as the grazing intensity becomes heavier.

轮牧与禁牧区短花针茅地上生物量积累峰值一致,自由放牧区短花针茅地上生物量积累峰值滞后。Peak productions of Stipa breviflora above-ground biomass under the two grazing system were simila, while the peak time was lagged in free stocking system.

两种放牧制度群落地上现存量差异不明显,但划区轮牧小区间现存量存在显著差异。The difference of standing crop is not obvious between the two grazing systems, but the difference of standing crop among different RG plots is apparent variant.

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轮牧与定牧结合,羊群与牛群顺序放牧时,草地和家畜的生产性能俱佳。Combining rotational and continuous grazing, and sequentially grazing with sheep and cattle, results in good productive performance of both pasture and livestock.

本试验在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟荒漠草原上进行,目的在于比较划区轮牧与连续放牧两种不同放牧制度在家庭牧场尺度上对草地植被与家畜的影响。The experiment was conducted in Stipa brevzflora desert steppe in Sunit Right Banner of Inner Mongolia at a large scale based on family ranch from June 2000 to April 2001.

第三十四条牧区的草原承包经营者应当实行划区轮牧,合理配置畜群,均衡利用草原。Article 34 Contractors for grassland management in pastoral regions shall practise regional rotation grazing, rational distribution of herds and balanced use of grasslands.