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我习惯用烟嘴抽烟。I'm used to smoking with a cigarette holder.

我习惯用烟嘴抽烟。I'm used to smoking with a cigarrette holder.

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它将又一支香烟插入景泰蓝制的烟嘴。He inserted another cigarette into a c1oisonne holder.

烟嘴烟斗、香烟或雪茄烟嘴的顶端。The tip of the mouthpiece on a pipe or a cigarette or cigar holder.

除了流行的烟嘴,竹卷烟纸在“摇摆”族里也很受欢迎。In addition to fashionable cigarette holders, bamboo rolling papers are also a popular item among the ‘roll your own’ crowd.

用竹子做烟嘴是自1920年代以来黑色电影导演和久经世故的侦探的故事中流传开来的。Bamboo was used to make the cigarette holders popularized by film-noir auteurs and hard-boiled detective stories since the 1920s.

快乐烟嘴配件加工厂热诚欢迎各界前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。The joyful cigarette holder fitting processing factory cordially welcome from all walks of life comes to visit, the inspection, the discussion service.

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清洁滤芯时,请将吸嘴旋出,用纸巾或棉签擦拭乾净,滤芯清洁后,请同时清洁烟嘴内壁。Clean filter, Rubber ring to rotate out to the right, wipe clean with paper towels or a cotton swab, filter clean, please also clean cigarette holder wall.

此款玉烟嘴选料为上等岫岩玉料,做工极为精细,龙身全部器官清晰可见。Cixin jade cigarette holder and waited for the election expected Xiuyan Jade expected, the work is extremely sophisticated, full body organs clearly visible.

他盘着两腿坐在土耳其式沙发上,那模样跟户主家里人不相上下,他的嘴角上深深地叼着一根琥珀烟嘴子,一面眯缝起眼睛,若断若续地抽烟。He sat with his leg up on the ottoman, as though he were at home, and with the amber mouthpiece in the side of his mouth, he smoked spasmodically , puckering up his face.

而在所有人当中,最令人难忘的或许就是那个用一个长长的黑烟嘴抽烟、难熬的通宵硬座之旅中平息了一场潜在冲突的人。And perhaps the most memorable of all was the man who smoked with a long black cigarette holder and defused a potentially violent situation on an arduous overnight hard seat trip.

一种改进的吸烟工具,尤其是一种用磁化溶液中和烟气中尼古丁等有害物的保健烟嘴。The utility model relates to a modified smoking tool, particularly a health care filter tip which uses the magnetized solution to neutralize the harmful matters such as nicotine in the smoke gas, etc.