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天然的克利须那神像。A false god or idol.

不可为自己铸造神像。Do not make cast idols.

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这些是“巨神像”。These are the Colossus.

到处能看到她的神像。You see statues of her all over the place.

陈旧古老的寺庙,斑驳残破的神像。Archaic temples, mottled wreck of the gods.

在上帝的眼里,犹尼亚是个崇拜石头神像和祭坛的国家。Judah, was worshipping stone idols and altars.

寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。Temples and statues decay, but books survieve.

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他们正在参观门农神像。They are visiting the statue of the god Memnon.

神像右边的女祭司正演奏著小手鼓。The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine.

而神像右边的女祭司正演奏著小手鼓。The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine.

她的帕拉迪姆神像被人从她的庙里偷走了。Her statue, the Palladium, was stolen from her temple.

人们对这数字神像-----唱赞美诗。People in this figure statue ----------Sings the hymn.

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原来雅各不知道拉结偷了那些神像。Now Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen the gods.

他的首要职责就是为卡利神像穿戴和装饰。His first duty was to dress and decorate the image of Kali.

神父来到教堂,先在耶酥和圣母玛利亚的神像前跪下,然后去教堂后部就座。In the church, he kneels before an icon of Christ and the Virg

你们不可偏向虚无的神,也不可为自己铸造神像。Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves.

但是由双手或头脑雕刻出来的神像有什么价值呢?But what value has the image, carved by the hand or by the mind?

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神庙中,一座巨大的宙斯神像坐在金制的宝座之上。A huge statue of the god is within it, seated on a throne of gold.

从今以后,你就是这条街上名正言顺的自由神像。From now on you are the official Statue of Liberty of this street.

第五章论述的是神像画的使用。The fifth chapter introduces usage of PanYao ceremonial paintings.